Scientific paper ID 805 : 2013/3

Violeta Mutafchieva-Bakalova

The role of railway transport when servicing the tourism industry is specific due to its technical-economical specifications. It should be taken under consideration, that this type of transport provides tourist travels in specific segments of the transport market. This determines its current application in the current environment, which is directly related to its specific advantages in carrying out passenger trips. The report outlines options for tourist trips by rail directly determined by the situation of the transport market under current conditions in the country. An assessment of the role of railways in servicing tourism internationally, using specific data on the number of passengers in 2010.

Железопътен транспорт туризъм транспортно обслужване на туризма туристически пътувания.Rail transport tourism transport services of tourism tourist travel.Violeta Mutafchieva-Bakalova


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