Scientific paper ID 796 : 2013/3

Ivan Kolarov, Teodor Kirchev

One of the European Commission’s most prioritized policy is work place stress prevention, development of safe conditions and ensuring the health and safety of the population. Drivers are in everyday contact with the traffic participants, employers, clients, passengers and even with strangers. The stress is one of the most fatal emotional conditions of drivers, which has to be controlled and overcome in the fastest way possible, in case of a critical situation. The aim of the report is to present the curriculum for training of drivers and other employees of the road transport, regarding stress prevention, elaborated during the European project Spa Road. The following modules for training of stress prevention have been elaborated: Introduction in work place stress, Causes of stress, Stress effects, Stress evaluation, Stress management, Work place stress prevention, Physical and psychological exercises. Typical examples from the practice, opinions of specialists etc., are added to the materials. Experimental results from curriculum tests and a summary of the recommendations of ensuring a healthy life are presented in conclusion.

дейности за превенция на стреса транспорт и други секториstress prevention actions transports and other sectorsIvan Kolarov Teodor Kirchev


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[2] EU road freight transport sector: Work and employment conditions. European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 2004.

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[6] Deynosti za preventsiya na stresa v malkite i sredni predpriyatiya ot patno-transportniya sektor. Uchebno sadarzhanie, sazdadeno v ramkite na proekt SPAROAD, 2010-1-ES1-LEO05-21000. 2012 . ISBN 978-954-8841-61-4.
( [6] Дейности за превенция на стреса в малките и средни предприятия от пътно-транспортния сектор. Учебно съдържание, създадено в рамките на проект SPAROAD, 2010-1-ES1-LEO05-21000. 2012 . ISBN 978-954-8841-61-4. )




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