Scientific paper ID 793 : 2013/3
Şerban Raicu, Dorinela Costescu, Mircea Augustin Rosca Urban road safety directly affects whole city area and all its inhabitants. Therefore traffic safety constitutes a constant objective in development and management of transport regulation. The state of road accident in Romania presented in statistical reports at national and European level underlines the needs of research on identifying the appropriate measures for road safety enhancement. Our proposed goal is to develop a set of functions for evaluation of the road safety for different traffic intensity pattern and for estimating various traffic management schemes. In the first part of the paper we present the state of road accident recorded in Bucharest and we classify the main causes of the urban road accident. In the second part of the paper we describe a macroscopic model developed for estimating of safety performance based on physical characteristics of network, traffic intensity and recorded data on road accidents. The resulted macroscopic digital network model has to be base for assigning the traffic flows and further, inputs of the model for estimating the traffic safety performances. The main objective of the presented model is to identify practical solutions that lead to traffic safety enhancement.
безопасност на движението функция на ефективност на безопасността моделиране на градска транспортна мрежаroad safety safety performance function urban transport network modellingŞerban Raicu Dorinela Costescu Mircea Augustin Rosca BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Elvik R. “Developing accident modification functions: exploratory study”, Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. Proc., 88th, Washington, 2009 [2] European Commission - Directorate General Energy and Transport, ”CARE (EU road accidents database)”, http://ec.europa.eu/transport/road_safety/s... [3] European Transport Safety Council (ETSC), "A Methodological Approach to National Road Safety Policies”, Brussels, 2006 [4] European Transport Safety Council (ETSC), ”Transport Safety Performance Indicators”, Brussels, 2001, [5] Hakkert A.S., Gitelman V., Vis M.A. (Eds.) ”Road Safety Performance Indicators: Theory”, Deliverable D3.6 of the EU FP6 Project SafetyNet, 2007 [6] Harwood D.W., Council F.M., Hauer E., Hughes W.E., Vogt A. „Prediction of expected safety performance on rural two-lane highways”, Report No. FHWA-RD-99-207, Federal Highway Administration, 2000 [7] Kulmala R. “Safety at Rural Three- and Four-Arm Junctions: Development and Applications of Accident Prediction Models”, VTT Publications 233, Technical Research Centre of Finland, Espoo, 1995 [8] Lord D., Bonneson J.A. "Role and Application of Accident Modification Factors (AMFs) within the Highway Design Process", Transportation Research Record 1961, 2006, pp. 65-73 [9] Lord D., Persaud B.N. „Accident Prediction Models with and without Trend: Application of the Generalized Estimating Equation Procedure” Transportation Research Record 1717, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, D.C., 2000 [10] Qin X., Ivan J.N., Ravishanker N, Junfeng Liu J.4 „Hierarchical Bayesian Estimation of Safety Performance Functions for Two-Lane Highways Using Markov Chain Monte Carlo Modeling” Journal of Transportation Engineering 5, 2005. |