Scientific paper ID 781 : 2013/3

Todor Razmov

The article examines the approach for representing the transport systems and their components as queuing systems as well as the simulation of their performance through discreet-event modeling. For the application of the latter type of modeling the specialized programming language can GPSS (General Purpose Simulation System) can be used. The report presents a specially developed segment of GPSS aimed at obtaining the probabilities of the conditions of one channel and multi-channel queuing systems. This will contribute to the adequate examination of the transport systems, which can be represented as queuing systems with random rules for interval distribution of the incoming flow and the attendance time, with specific disciplines of attendance and with lack of final analytical dependencies for determination of the operational characteristics.

симулационно моделиране дискретно-събитийно моделиране транспортни системиqueuing systems simulation modeling discreet-event modeling transport systemsTodor Razmov


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