Scientific paper ID 78 : 2007/1
A Geometrical Model of Determining Obliquely Symmetrical Load Of Biaxial (Two-Bogie) Rolling Stock

Dobrinka Atmadzhova, Tsviatko Penchev

The paper presents the problem connected with the obliquely symmetrical load and the respective roughness in a geometrical aspect emphasizing on land transport vehicles and particularly on rolling stock. On the basis of the examinations only in the geometrical aspect and proofs, the problem has been adapted to the real condition of transport vehicles as the basic theoretical dependencies necessary for their application in practice have been worked out.

кососиметрични натоварвания кососиметрични неравности кососиметрична коравина неравности сумарна неравност.obliquely symmetrical load obliquely symmetrical roughness obliquely symmetrical hardDobrinka Atmadzhova Tsviatko Penchev




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