Scientific paper ID 67 : 2006/1
Regulation of Natural Monopolies in Bulgaria . Theoretical Analysis of The Structure of the Bilgarian State Railways (BDZ EAD)

Atanas Kanchev

The restructuring of Bulgarian public sector enterprises represents a basic factor in the creation of a competitive market environment and our integration in the European Union structures. Unification processes impose the implementation of procedures and economic decisions, adequate to the achieved successful economic measures regarding the reorganization of the public services sector, in the developed European countries. In this line Bulgarian state and economic policy must direct itself towards the creation of the legal basis and institutional framework favourable to the continuation of structural changes implementation. As far as macroeconomy is concerned, restructuring of public sector is a crucial factor for the stabilization and competitiveness of Bulgarian economy.

The process of Bulgarian State Railways. restructuring passes through the creation of models of penetration of private investments under a specific regulation framework and of an interaction model with state authorities.

естествени монополи регулиране публично-частно партньорство субадитивност жп транспортnatural monopolies regulation public and private partnership subadditivity railway transportAtanas Kanchev




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