Scientific paper ID 64 : 2006/1
![]() Low-Cost Itinerant Portages Part 2 : The Risk of Flying With an Affordable Company
Simeon Аnaniev, Orlin Kolev This paper is a kind of continuation of the paper .Low-cost itinerant portages: Option and competition with other modes of transport, presented at the 15th International Scientific Conference Transport 2005 organized by the Тоdor Каbleshkov Higher School of Transport in Sofia. Despite the lack of a legislation framework and the delay of signing the agreement .Common European sky. for 2007, the country has been inciting an increasing interest by the low-cost airlines due to Bulgaria.s accession to the European union.
Нискотарифни пътнически превози; нискобюджетна авиокомпания; low - cost; Wizz Air;Sky EuropeEasy JetNorwegian Air Shuttle AsИнтернет продажба; Bexx Air.low-cost passenger transport; airline; low -Simeon Аnaniev Orlin Kolev |