Scientific paper ID 49 : 2005/1
A Method of Prediction of Fatigue Life of The Spur Gears of Reductor of the Main Engine

Tatyana Avdjieva, Konstantin Staevski

One of the most important purposes of the mechanical practice is to predict the fatigue life and the operating resource of the real details. This task is difficult and it demands labor-intensive and power consuming mode tests. That is why, the engineers continuously search for analytical methods for prediction the fatigue life of metals and details. In this paper is presented an analytical method for evaluation of a minimal resource of the spur gears of the traction reducer of the main engine. It is an attempt for conservative valuation of the spectrum of the loading on the spur gears by means of the surface hardness.

минимален ресурс зъбни колела повърхностно уякчаване тягов редукторminimal resurs cogged wheels surface strengthening fraction reductorTatyana Avdjieva Konstantin Staevski




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