Scientific paper ID 465 : 2010/1
An Updated Criterion for Judgment of the Wearing out of Used Cars

Rayko Stanev

The present work shows an review of the changes in the road-transport situation in Bulgaria and of the market conditions during the past years. On its basis the necessity of implementation of new, more objective approaches to analyze of the state of the most popular motor vehicles ? the cars is grounded.

It is proposed to supply the present?day models with a counter register, which gives the made to the moment revolutions from their engines. Furthermore there is argued the need of using of a new, more complexly reflecting the condition of the car criterion of the wearing out, for the calculation of which a formula in parametrical mode is proposed and orientational values of the participating in it coefficient and exponents are recommended. The perspectives for a future research work, aimed to obtaining of a concrete formula for it calculation are indicated. With the assistance of this actualized criterion it will be come to the possibility to accounting not only of the overall mileage of the corresponding motor vehicle, but also of its exploitation regime, which has a direct impact on the state of the engine, as well as of the complete construction.

употребявани леки автомобили износване критерий за оценкаused cars wearing out criterion for judgmentRayko Stanev




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