Scientific paper ID 464 : 2010/1
RCM Method Utilization for Tramcar Maintenance

Radek Krzyzanek

This paper presents the maintenance system design of a tramcar in order to ensure safe and effective operation. RCM method (reliability centred maintenance) is used for preventive maintenance programme development. RCM techniques are applied to the bogie of tramcar type T3. On the basis of RCM analysis including significant items categorization according to failure effects, determination of maintenance tasks and assessment of scheduled maintenance intervals the initial maintenance program for the tramcar bogie is created.

надеждност на центрирана експлоатация трамвайна талига планирана експлоатация първоначалната програма за техническо обслужванеreliability centred maintenance tramcar bogie scheduled maintenanceRadek Krzyzanek




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