Scientific paper ID 45 : 2005/1
Microprocessor Modular System For Data Collecting And Data Management From Dallas Semiconductor Sensors

Ditchko Batchvarov, Georgy Blajev, Ani Boneva, Rumyana Krasteva, Konstantin Stanishev

The paper presents a microprocessor modular system, intended for collecting and processing of information from different type of Dallas Semiconductor Inc. sensors. There are presented system architecture, special designed software and applications.

разпределени системи 1-Wire Bus микропроцесорна система Tcl/Tk сензори.Distributed Systems 1-Wire Bus Microprocessor system Tcl/Tk sensorsDitchko Batchvarov Georgy Blajev Ani Boneva Rumyana Krasteva Konstantin Stanishev




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