Scientific paper ID 352 : 2009/2
Modelling of the passenger flows in the urban public transport

Stavri Dimitrov

This paper describes a new method for determination of passenger flows, in which the presented in [4] conception is developed further. The elaborated method [3] gives an opportunity on the basis of the information about the passenger taxi trips to determine the passenger correspondences with urban passenger transport between the transport districts as well as and the correspondences between the districts from a new or an existing route of the public transport, and to model the expected or to determine the actual passenger flow along the route?s sections in the separate directions.

транспортни потребности транспортно обслужване пътникопотоци градски обществен транспорт маршрут метод пътувания таксиметров транспорт транспортни райони матрица на пътническите кореспонденциStavri Dimitrov




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