Scientific paper ID 349 : 2009/2
Hydrogen wear of Railway Wheels and Special Technology of Protection

Victor Balabanov

Wear-resistance problems of the wheel-rail friction pair on the railroad transport are considered. Results of researches of influence of the lubricants applied on a railway transportation, and also a moisture and other hydrogen materials on deterioration of wheels and rails of a railway transportation are resulted. It is established, that hydrogen deterioration is one of the reasons for low wear resistance of applied constructional materials. It is considered, developed by the author, that the special antifriction machining technology (SAMT) of wheels and a rail of the railway transportation, allowing in some times to lower their deterioration. To increase antiscuff and antiwear properties of the wheel-rail friction pair the SAMT is proposed. This technology is a variant of the finish antifriction abrasiveless machining of frictioning surfaces. Results of tests of the developed technology on a number of railways of Russia and Europe are presented

устойчивост на износване триене колело-релса антифрикционна механична обработка.Wear-resistance wheel-rail friction antifriction machining technologyVictor Balabanov




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