Scientific paper ID 29 : 2004/1
CDMA : The Base For Third Generation Mobile Systems

Stiliyan Paunov

Third generation mobile radio networks, often dubbed as 3G, have been under intense research and discussion recently and will emerge around the year 2000. In the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), 3G networks are called International Mobile Telecommunications - 2000 ( IMT - 2000 ). Wideband code division multiple access ( CDMA ) has emerged as the mainstream air interface solution for the 3G networks. This paper provides a basic introduction to wideband CDMA and 3G networks, multiple access schemes, classification of CDMA and evolution of the CDMA standardization toward 3G.

CDMA 3G мобилни системи схеми за множествен достъп широколентови мобилни мрежиCDMA 3G mobile systems basic multiple access schemes wideband mobile networks.Stiliyan Paunov




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