Scientific paper ID 2641 : 2025/1

Hristo G. Stamenov

The bypasses around many big and small cities in the world appeared with development of road networks and reconstruction of many old two-lane roads expanded into four-lane roads in the period from the 1930s to the 1950s. The construction of new ring roads dates back to the 1960s with the development of motorway systems.

There are available numerous publications related to bypasses and ring roads. They mainly deal with issues and problems related to the impact of construction of bypasses and ring roads on settlements in economic and social aspects. However, there are few articles and documents presenting recommendations in regard with planning and design of bypasses and ring roads.

The aim of this article is to synthesize, as far as possible, some technical recommendations for planning and design of bypasses and ring roads. A number of questions concerning the purpose, location, configuration and connection of bypasses and ring roads with the road and street networks have been considered.

обходни пътища околовръстни пътищаbypass ring roadHristo G. Stamenov


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