Scientific paper ID 2639 : 2025/1

Eliza Simeonova Bakardzhieva - Doncheva

Supply chains in the Maintenance repair and overhaul (MRO) of aircrafts sector play a key role in aviation and are a major source of optimizing both of organizations” business processes and their costs. Improving supply chain management (SCM) is one of the main tasks of aircraft maintenance and repair enterprises that contribute to the full utilization of resources in the organizations and increase of their competitiveness. The purpose of the research is to propose a methodological framework that will serve as a base for examination and evaluation of the theoretical propositions and practices of supply chain management for MRO in the aviation industry and the extent of their application in the sector. It aims to provide guidelines and recommendations for improvements and optimization of supply chain management in the MRO enterprises.

вериги на доставки авиация запаси материални потоци методика казусsupply chains aviation stock material flow methodology caseEliza Simeonova Bakardzhieva - Doncheva


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