Scientific paper ID 2638 : 2025/1
Fahri Idriz, Nikolay Sterev Undoubtedly, the growth of entrepreneurship in a nation can be seen as a viable solution amid challenging socioeconomic circumstances. For over three decades, the theory of entrepreneurial economics has garnered attention, a trend that is only intensifying today due to technological advancements and changes in the social contract.
Furthermore, since the inception of the Lisbon Strategy to the more recent Policy for Industrial Recovery and the Green Transition, Europe has prioritized encouraging entrepreneurial endeavors for the past 25 years. However, Bulgaria`s implementation of key strategic documents is currently lagging. In this context, establishing strategic goals for the development of entrepreneurship, particularly among youth, could be considered the ”missing piece of the puzzle” for revitalizing the Bulgarian economy. Based on this, this essay aims to identify clear and specific goals related to the advancement of social and economic discourse to promote the growth of entrepreneurial endeavors nationwide, particularly in regions that are lagging in economic and social development. Additionally, the article is structured as follows: The first paragraph offers an overview of entrepreneurial theory and its practical applications in Bulgaria, the second paragraph addresses socioeconomic issues that can be mitigated through the establishment of entrepreneurial initiatives, and the third paragraph proposes appropriate policies to encourage youth entrepreneurship. The article concludes with a предприемачество план за възстановяване социално-икономическо развитиеentrepreneurship recovery plan socio-economic developmentFahri Idriz Nikolay Sterev BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] ADCROFT A., WILLIS R., DHALIWAL S., 2004. Missing the point? Management education and entrepreneurship, Management Decision, 42 (3). pp. 521-531, 2004, http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/00251740410518958... [2] AUTIO, E. AND LAAMANEN, T., 1995, Measurement and evaluation of technology transfer: review of technology transfer mechanisms and indicators, Int. J. Technology Management, Vol. 10, No. 7/8, pp.643–664 [3] BAGGA P., 2016, 2016, Business Economics, NMIMS Global Access [4] CHANDLER, A.D.,1990, Scale and Scope: The Dynamics of Industrial Capitalism (The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press). [5] DRUCKER, P.F., 1985, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Practice and Principles, New York: Harper and Row. [6] DU BOFF R. B., 2015, Scale and Scope. The Dynamics of Industrial Capitalism of Alfred Chandler, pp. 61-64 [7] EC, Lisbon strategy, https://www.europarl.europa.eu/meetdocs/200... empl/dv/lisbonstrategybn_/lisbonstrategybn_en.pdf). [8] GARTNER W.B., 1990, What are we talking about when we talk about entrepreneurship?, Journal of Business Venturing 5, pp.15-28 [9] HÉBERT, R.F., LINK, A.N., 1989. In search of the meaning of entrepreneurship. Small Business Economics 1, 39–49 (1989). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00389915 [10] HUFFMAN, D., QUIGLEY, J.M., 2002. The role of the university in attracting high tech entrepreneurship: A Silicon Valley tale, Annals of Regional Science, Volume 36, Issue 3, Pages 403 – 419, 2002 [11] IDRIZ F., STEREV N., 2023, Economic Entrepreneurial Growth: Bulgarian Case, Economic Alternatives, 2023, Issue 3, pp. 533-544 [12] KIROVA M., YORDANOVA D., 2024, Training of personnel for industry 5.0 through university clubs following the example of the university of Ruse, Strategies for Policy in Science and Education, volume 32, issue 3s/2024, pp.60-71 [13] KURATKO D.F., IRELAND D R.., HORNSBY J. S., 2004, Corporate entrepreneurship behavior among managers: a review of theory, research, and practice, Advances in Entrepreneurship, Firm Emergence and Growth, Volume 7, pp.7–45 [14] LAZONIC W., 2003, The theory of market economy and social foundations of innovative enterprise, Economic and Industrial Democracy, vol. 24(1): 9-44 [15] MINCHEV, N., HRISTOVA V., STOYANOV I., 2023, Structural changes in educating managers for Industry 5.0, Strategies for Policy in Science and Education, volume 31, issue 6s/2023, pp.112-125 [16] PORTER M.E., 1990, The Competitive Advantage of Nations, Drucker, P.F., 1985, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Practice and Principles, New York: Harper and Row. [17] STEREV, N., PENCHEV, P., 2023, Historical Development of Business Economics: Bulgarian Case, in Çalıyurt K.T. (ed.), History of Accounting, Management, Business & Economics, Volume I, Elsevier [18] TOOLE A.A., CZARNITZKI D. 2007. Biomedical academic entrepreneurship through the SBIR program, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization Vol. 63 (2007) 716–738 [19] VEDOVELLO C., GODINHO M., 2003. Business incubators as a technological infrastructure for supporting small innovative firms` activities, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management 3(1/2), January 2003 [20] YORDANOV, D., 2023, Toolkit for Assessing Entrepreneurial Competencies among Learners, Strategies for Policy in Science and Education, volume 31, issue 6s, pp.25-44 [21] YORDANOV, D., Main characteristics of the modern entrepreneur, Entrepreneurship, Volume: VІI, Issue: 1, pp. 7-15, 2019 |