Scientific paper ID 2635 : 2024/2
Iliyan Slavov, Galina Petkova, Miglena Slavova Hydrogen is a good energy vector, since its use in fuel cells leads to the formation of a single waste product - water. However, hydrogen storage remains a major challenge that limits the application of fuel cells, both in electric vehicles and for stationary power supply. Alternatively, hydrogen can be stored in some light chemical compounds, such as ammonia, methanol, ethanol, etc. All of these can be used as fuels for fuel cells, with ammonia having the wildest potential.
Ammonia is an excellent hydrogen storage material because it contains no carbon and therefore no CO2 emissions when used as a fuel. It is much more energy efficient and much cheaper to produce, store and deliver hydrogen in the form of NH3 than as compressed and/or liquefied hydrogen. There is an established infrastructure for ammonia, while for hydrogen new gas stations have yet to be built, which is associated with large investments. Furthermore, the combination of ammonia production using renewable energy and its subsequent use for energy production will form key parts of the economy in the future. горива за горивни клетки водород амоняк метанолelectrolytes for fuel cells types of fuel cells renewable energyIliyan Slavov Galina Petkova Miglena Slavova BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] N. Sazali, W.N. Wan Salleh, A.S. Jamaludin, M.N. Mhd Razali, New Perspectives on Fuel Cell Technology: A Brief Review. Membranes (Basel), 10/5, 2020, 99, https://doi.org/10.3390/membranes10050099. [2] L Carrette, KA Friedrich, U Stimming, Fuel cells - fundamentals and applications, Fuel Cells, 1/1, 2001, 5-39, https://doi.org/10.1002/1615-6854(200105)1:... 3.0.CO,2-G. [3] I. Ganchev, Modul za regulirane na nalyaganeto na gazovi instalatsii, Mehanika, transport, komunikatsii, 10/1, 2021, 2168, ISSN 1312 – 3823. ( [3] И. Ганчев, Модул за регулиране на налягането на газови инсталации, Механика, транспорт, комуникации, 10/1, 2021, 2168, ISSN 1312 – 3823. ) [4] I. Ganchev, Determination of the impact of the technological process on the performance of safety devices used in pressure facilities, SIS J, 86, 2024, 30-32, https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13299416. [5] M Slavova, R Tomova, Hydrogen – most environmentally friendly fuel, Chemistry: Bulgarian Journal of Science Education, 29/2, 2020, 259-268. [6] B.G. Petkov, Dinamichen analiz na podbivniya agregat na traversopodbivna mashina s tsiklichno deystvie, Mehanika, transport, komunikatsii, 1, 2014, 0927, ISSN 1312 – 3823 ( [6] Б.Г. Петков, Динамичен анализ на подбивния агрегат на траверсоподбивна машина с циклично действие, Механика, транспорт, комуникации, 1, 2014, 0927, ISSN 1312 – 3823 ) [7] I. Ganchev, Reliability determination in the design of natural gas pressure regulating installations, Danish Sci J, 86, 2024,75-78, https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13137397. [8] I. Ganchev, Izgrazhdane na gazoregulirashtite punktove za promishleni gazovi instalatsii, raboteshti s priroden gaz, Mehanika, transport, komunikatsii, 20/2, 2022, 2220, ISSN 1312 – 3823. ( [8] И. Ганчев, Изграждане на газорегулиращите пунктове за промишлени газови инсталации, работещи с природен газ, Механика, транспорт, комуникации, 20/2, 2022, 2220, ISSN 1312 – 3823. ) [9] T. Baofeng, Q. Huiying, Y. Yanxia, Z. Tonghuan, L. Di, H. Shuna, Z. Fujun, S. Xin, C. Daan, C. Mojie, Effects of methane processing strategy on fuel composition, electrical and thermal efficiency of solid oxide fuel cell, Int J Hydr Energy, 46/ 52, 2021, 26537-26549, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhydene.2021.05.... [10] I. Dincer, O. Siddiqui, Chapter 3 - Types of fuels, Editor(s): Ibrahim Dincer, Osamah Siddiqui, Ammonia fuel cells, Elsevier, 2020, 33-76, ISBN 9780128228258, https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-822825-8.... [11] B. Petkov, B. Krastanova – About the automated storage systems for palletes - The Eurasia Proceedings of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (EPSTEM), 1, 2017, 208-212, ISSN: 2602-3199 (Int. Conference on Technology, Engineering and Science, Antalya, Turkey). |