Scientific paper ID 2634 : 2024/2
Alexander Iliev, Dimitar Stefanov, Petar Nikolov Bridges are important logistical facilities that have a direct impact on the normal functioning and operation of a country. This is precisely what makes them important, and accordingly any possible loss or damage in seismic events would be significant.
Nonlinear static analysis gives a good idea of the failure mechanism (plasticization zones) of structures loaded with horizontal loads. Its advantage over dynamic time history analysis is the greatly reduced computational time, due to ignoring the dynamic part of the equation of motion. This type of analysis provides a good estimate of the ultimate capacity of the structure, but there is no possibility to represent the development of damage at different times from the seismic action. In the non-linear static analysis, the non-linear force-displacement relationship of individual componaents and elements is directly accounted for in the building model. Nonlinear analyzes make it easier to understand the actual behavior of a real structure. This can lead to a more detailed investigation and dimensioning of the critical elements/details of the bridge structure, leading to a more reliable and efficient solution. The current study determines the non-linear response of a reinforced concrete integral bridge by means of non-linear static analyzes. стоманобетонен интегрален мост хоризонтален капацитет нелинеен статичен анализ (push-over)reinforced concrete integral bridge horizontal capacity nonlinear static (push-over) analysis.Alexander Iliev Dimitar Stefanov Petar Nikolov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] BDS EN 1998-2, Evrokod 8: Proektirane na konstruktsiite za seizmichni vazdeystviya, Chast 2: Mostove. ( [1] БДС EN 1998-2, Еврокод 8: Проектиране на конструкциите за сеизмични въздействия, Част 2: Мостове. ) [2] ETABS 2015: CSI Analysis Reference Manual. [3] Priestley, M.J.N, Seible F and Calvi G.M., Seismic Design and Retrofit of Bridges, John Wiley & Sons,1996, p.465. [4] FEMA 440, Improvement of Nonlinear Static Analysis Procedure, June 2005. |