Scientific paper ID 2629 : 2024/3

Ivelin Gavrilov

In the age of the information society, the possibilities of monitoring in all spheres of technology are growing progressively and turning its role into a leading one for the activities of operation and maintenance of facilities, roads, communications, environment and much more. etc. Installations for monitoring landslides generate statistical series of data, which, in sync with the data from the measurement of other indicators, enrich the ideas about the ongoing geological processes, more fully reveal their essence and make it possible to evaluate and forecast them not only qualitatively, but also quantitatively in space and time.

The report shows the practical possibilities for such integral monitoring through systems of piezometers, inclinometers, geodetic benchmarks and from hydrological data on precipitation from a hydro-meteorological station, the bulletins on the levels of the Danube River and the data on the accidents of pressure water pipes above a landslide, reviewed over a one-year time period. The development of the various parameters over time and their mutual comparison gives definite conclusions about the cause-and-effect relationships of the landslide and the role of each of the factors for it. A number of valuable conclusions have been drawn about the monitoring methodology and analysis methods.

свлачища мониторинг подземни води хидроложки данниlandslides monitoring groundwater hydrological dataIvelin Gavrilov


[1] NISI - Sofiya, Rakovodstvo za izsledvane na svlachishtata, nakloneni tereni i proektirane na protivosvlachishtna zashtita, Sofiya, 1989 g.
( [1] НИСИ - София, Ръководство за изследване на свлачищата, наклонени терени и проектиране на противосвлачищна защита, София, 1989 г. )




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