Scientific paper ID 2628 : 2024/3

Valentina Zochinova

The quality of the thermal environment in the classroom is essential for students, as they spend a considerable time of the day in it, and also affects their performance in the learning process and their well-being. Microclimate is a difficult factor to assess in the living environment. Regardless of the existence of normative documents setting limit values of microclimate component values in children`s and educational institutions, given the specifics of activities in classrooms for students of different age groups, at different stages of their education, it is often used to characterize the thermal environment to existing standards such as ISO-7730, EN 16798-1 (repealed BDS EN 15251) and ANSI/ASHRAE 55 [1,2,3] as reference documents. A review of the available scientific literature in the field shows that architects and engineers treat the design of educational buildings like that of all other public buildings. It is known that thermal comfort studies mainly use data collected during studies conducted on healthy adults in public buildings around the world.

The results of several studies conducted in air-conditioned and non-air-conditioned classrooms show high levels of student-reported dissatisfaction with the thermal environment of the classrooms.

The report aims to present the most commonly used methods for assessing thermal comfort in educational buildings in world practice by proposing an approach and methodology to be used to assess thermal comfort in educational buildings for different levels of education.

Микроклимат топлинен комфорт нормативни документи стандарт класна стая климатизация.Microclimate thermal comfort regulatory documents standard classroom air conditioning.Valentina Zochinova


[1] EN ISO-7730, Ergonomiya na toplinnata sreda – Analitichno opredelyane i interpretatsiya na toplinniya komfort chrez izchislyavane na indeksite PMV i PPD i prilagane na kriteriite za lokalen toplinen komfort
( [1] EN ISO-7730, Ергономия на топлинната среда – Аналитично определяне и интерпретация на топлинния комфорт чрез изчисляване на индексите PMV и PPD и прилагане на критериите за локален топлинен комфорт )

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