Scientific paper ID 2625 : 2024/3
Petya Stefanova, Blagoyka Paleva-Kadiyska, Simeon Boyadzhiev* Self compacting concrete is a highly plastic mixture that is designed to self-compact under its own weight. This kind of concrete is an ideal solution for elements with a high percentage of reinforcement. The use of cement, sand and water is the same as for ordinary concrete, and the peculiarities in the composition are the limitation of the maximum diameter of the coarse aggregate, the addition of a fine mineral additive and the use of superplasticizers. This relatively new type of construction material has a denser structure than conventional concrete at the same water-cement ratio, which makes it suitable for use in facilities subjected to aggressive environment.
The basic methods for testing fresh mix of SCC are reviewed, with recommended intervals within which the test values should fall. A detailed comparative analysis was carried out between compositions of ordinary concrete and SCC with the same water-cement ratio. Researched are the compressive strengths for the different compositions both under normal conditions and under prolonged exposure to an aggressive environment with different concentrations. Relevant conclusions have been drawn which prove the applicability of SCC for various transport facilities. самоуплътняващ се бетон якост на натиск агресивна средаself compacting concrete compressive strength aggressive environmentPetya Stefanova Blagoyka Paleva-Kadiyska Simeon Boyadzhiev* BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] H. Okamura, M. Ouchi, (2003), Self-compacting concrete, Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology Vol.1, №. 1, 5-15, [2] H. Okamura, M. Ouchi, (1999), Self-compacting concrete. Development, present and future, 1st International RILEM Symposium on SCC, [3] G. Schutter, P. Bartos, P. Domone and J. Gibbs, (2008), Self-compacting concrete, [4] Specification and Guidelines for Self-Compacting Concrete, EFNARC, 2002. [5] The European Guidelines for Self-Compacting Concrete, 2005. [6] B. Petrov, P. Tosheva, M. Mitsov, (2012), Izmenenie na svoystvata na pryasnata betonova smes na samouplatnyavashti se betoni pri izpolzvane na razlichni fini mineralni palniteli dostapni na balgarskiya pazar, UASG 2012, Mezhdunarodna yubileyna nauchno-prilozhna konferentsiya, ( [6] Б. Петров, П. Тошева, М. Мицов, (2012), Изменение на свойствата на прясната бетонова смес на самоуплътняващи се бетони при използване на различни фини минерални пълнители достъпни на българския пазар, УАСГ 2012, Международна юбилейна научно-приложна конференция, ) [7] BDS EN 12350-8 – Izpitvane na betonna smes. Chast 8: Samouplatnyavasht se beton. Izpitvane na razstilane, ( [7] БДС EN 12350-8 – Изпитване на бетонна смес. Част 8: Самоуплътняващ се бетон. Изпитване на разстилане, ) [8] BDS EN 12350-10 – Izpitvane na betonna smes. Chast 10: Samouplatnyavasht se beton. Izpitvane s L-kutiya, ( [8] БДС EN 12350-10 – Изпитване на бетонна смес. Част 10: Самоуплътняващ се бетон. Изпитване с L-кутия, ) [9] Parra, M. Valcuende, F. Gómez, /March 2010/, Splitting tensile strength and modulus of elasticity of self-compacting concrete, Science direct, [10] P. Tosheva, (2015), Izsledvane na stseplenieto mezhdu samouplatnyavasht se beton i armirovachna stomana v usloviyata na deystvie na sulfatna agresivna sreda, UASG, ( [10] П. Тошева, (2015), Изследване на сцеплението между самоуплътняващ се бетон и армировъчна стомана в условията на действие на сулфатна агресивна среда, УАСГ, ) [11] K. Audenaert, V. Boel, G. Schutter /September 2007/, Chloride penetration in SCC by cyclic immersion , 5th International RILEM Symposium on SCC, [12] B. Persson, /August 2002/, Internal frost resistance and salt frost scaling of SCC, Cement and Concrete Research, |