Scientific paper ID 2623 : 2024/3
Kosta Kostov, Ivailo Lilovski The significant seismic risk to which the transport infrastructure sites are exposed s the development of modern reliable procedures for defining the seismic impact and seismic microzoning, especially for responsible engineering facilities located in areas with a seismic coefficient of 0.15 and with an expected macroseismic intensity of VII – VIII degree. Most of the territory of Bulgaria is zoned with a seismic coefficient of 0.15, and roads and railways are located in such areas.
The report examines the impact of potential seismic sources that threaten the reliability of transition areas in the connection between bridges and the earth embankment, as the basis of railways and roads, as well as analyzing and defining seismic parameters in order to increase the seismic reliability of structures. This is necessary given that seismic impacts are unpredictable in time, place and intensity and therefore cause large negative consequences also on elements and facilities of the transport infrastructure, which can lead to serious material damage and casualties, for example, in high-speed train traffic and the consequences of shifting the railway track and subsequent derailment and/or falling off a bridge. Мостове земно-насипно тяло железопътните линии автомобилни пътища сеизмичен риск виброускорение вибропреместванеBridges railways roads seismic risk vibration acceleration vibration displacementKosta Kostov Ivailo Lilovski BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Kostov K., Bezbalastovi konstruktsii za gornoto stroene na zhelezniya pat varhu zemno platno i izkustveni saorazheniya, Sofiya, VTU „Todor Kableshkov“, 2021. ( [1] Костов К., Безбаластови конструкции за горното строене на железния път върху земно платно и изкуствени съоръжения, София, ВТУ „Тодор Каблешков“, 2021. ) [2] Lalov I., Hristov H., Stomanobetonni mostove, Sofiya, VVTU, 1999. ( [2] Лалов И., Христов Х., Стоманобетонни мостове, София, ВВТУ, 1999. ) [3] BDS EN 1990:2002. EVROKOD: Osnovi na proektirane na stroitelni konstruktsii. ( [3] БДС EN 1990:2002. ЕВРОКОД: Основи на проектиране на строителни конструкции. ) [4] BDS EN 1990:2002/A1:2005: EVROKOD: Osnovi na proektirane na stroitelni konstruktsii. ( [4] БДС EN 1990:2002/А1:2005: ЕВРОКОД: Основи на проектиране на строителни конструкции. ) [5] BDS EN 1991-2:2006. EVROKOD 1: Vazdeystviya varhu stroitelni konstruktsii. Chast 2: Podvizhni natovarvaniya ot trafik varhu mostove. ( [5] БДС EN 1991-2:2006. ЕВРОКОД 1: Въздействия върху строителни конструкции. Част 2: Подвижни натоварвания от трафик върху мостове. ) [6] NAREDBA № RD-02-20-2 ot 27 yanuari 2012 g. za proektirane na sgradi i saorazheniya v zemetrasni rayoni , Obn., DV, br. 13 ot 2012 g., popr., br. 17 i 23 ot 2012g. ( [6] НАРЕДБА № РД-02-20-2 от 27 януари 2012 г. за проектиране на сгради и съоръжения в земетръсни райони , Обн., ДВ, бр. 13 от 2012 г., попр., бр. 17 и 23 от 2012г. ) [7] Darr E., Fiebig W., Feste Fahrbahn: Konstruktion und Bauarten für Eisenbahn und Straßenbahn, Tetzlaff Verlag, Hamburg, 2006. |