Scientific paper ID 2621 : 2024/3
Chavdar Kolev, Nevena Babunska-Ivanova The results of laboratory tests on nine 50/40/30 cm fiber reinforced concrete test bodies for primary tunnel lining are reported. The test bodies were aged until they reached their full strength in the authentic environment of a newly constructed tunnel. The optimum content of different amounts of fiber in the concrete mortar was sought. An overview of the application of fibers in sprayed concrete for the performance of tunnel linings is given, and their advantages are indicated. Emphasis is placed on the Norwegian tunnel method, which mainly uses fiber-reinforced sprayed concrete. The flexural strengths of the specimens were investigated experimentally under laboratory conditions to failure by compression presses. As a result of the testing, the flexural deflections of the test bodies were obtained. Corresponding graphs have been developed representing the specified loads and the resulting deformations. The bending capacity of a 40/30 cm concrete section with a length of 50 cm and a support distance of 40 cm reinforced with single reinforcement was determined. It has been proven that fiber concrete sections are equivalent to reinforced concrete.. Useful conclusions have been drawn about the technology for laying the primary lining of tunnels and its direct relationship to safety and performance.
пробни тела фибробетон лабораторни изследвания огъване първична облицовкаtest bodies fiber reinforced concrete laboratory tests bending primary liningChavdar Kolev Nevena Babunska-Ivanova BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Totev Y., Yu. Totev. Tuneli, vtoro izdanie, Sofiya, VTU, 2012. ( [1] Tотев Й., Ю. Тотев. Тунели, второ издание, София, ВТУ, 2012. ) [2] Kanalli S., R. Palankar, B. Kumar, P. Kumar, S. Prakash. Comparative Study of Polymer Fibre Reinforced Concrete with Conventional Concrete Pavement. IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, Volume: 03 Issue: 01, ISSN: 2319-1163 (2014). [3] Maydal B., M. Teves, U. Maydal. Rakovodstvo po tunelno stroitelstvo, Tom 1: Konstruktsii i metodi, Parvo izdanie, Balgarska asotsiatsiya za geotehnichesko i tunelno stroitelstvo, 2013. ( [3] Майдъл Б., М. Тевес, У. Майдъл. Ръководство по тунелно строителство, Том 1: Конструкции и методи, Първо издание, Българска асоциация за геотехническо и тунелно строителство, 2013. ) [4] Namli М., Evaluation of the effect of using fiber reinforcement in tunnel linings for metro projects. Underground Space, Volume 6, Issue 6, Pages 732-750 (2021), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.undsp.2021.08.002... [5] Moghadam М., R. Izadifard. Prediction of the Tensile Strength of Normal and Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete Exposed to High Temperatures. International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials15, Article number: 47, Springer Open, (2021), DOI https://doi.org/10.1186/s40069-021-00485-6.... [6] Shah S, Mian A. Gul, T. Naqash, Z. Khan, M. Rizwan. Effects of Fiber Reinforcements on the Strength of Shotcrete, Civil Engineering and Architecture 9(1): 176-183 (2021), DOI: 10.13189/cea.2021.090115. [7] Barton N., E. Grimstad, G. Aas, O.A. Opsalh, A. Bakken, L. Pesersen, E.D. Johansen. Norwegian method of tunnelling. WT Focus on Norway, Word Tunnelling, June/August (1992). [8] Grimstad E., N. Barton. Updating of the Q-System for NMT. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Sprayed Concrete, Fagernes, pp.46-66, 1993. [9] Grimstad, E., Kanker K., Bhasin R., Magnussen, A., Kaynia, A., Rock Mass Quality Q Used in Designing Reinforced Ribs of Sprayed Concrete and Energy Absorption. NGI Pub., 2000. [10] Using the Q-system. Rock mass classification and support design, 54p., Reviced and new edition, Oslo, NGI, 2022, www.ngi.no. [11] BDS EN 12390-5:2019 Izpitvane na vtvarden beton. Chast 5: Yakost na opan pri ogavane na probni tela. ( [11] БДС EN 12390-5:2019 Изпитване на втвърден бетон. Част 5: Якост на опън при огъване на пробни тела. ) [12] Velinov K., N. Angelov, A. Georgiev. BDS EN 1992-1-1: Ukazaniya, Vtoro dopalneno izdanie, KIIP, 2021. ( [12] Велинов К., Н. Ангелов, А. Георгиев. БДС EN 1992-1-1: Указания, Второ допълнено издание, КИИП, 2021. ) |