Scientific paper ID 2620 : 2024/3
Normunds Teirumnieks, Nikolay Hristov, Nikolay Tontchev Laser technologies offer ideal ways to process various materials, enjoying growing interest due to various, recent, achievements in physics and technology. The high power diode laser (HPDL) overcomes the most significant disadvantages of the renowned CO2 and Nd: YAG lasers. This review reviews some aspects of the laser hardening process, paying attention to a comparison of the subject with conventional hardening techniques. The selected orientation is towards the automotive industry.
лазерно уякчаване лазерна термична обработка сравнение между лазерите предимства и недостатъциLaser hardening Laser heat treatment Laser comparison Advantages and disadvantages.Normunds Teirumnieks Nikolay Hristov Nikolay Tontchev BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Kou, Sindo, D. Sun, and Y. Le, 1983, A Fundamental Study of Laser Transformation Hardening, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, Vol. 14, (3), p. 643-653. [2] Naeem, Mohammed, 2005, Heat Treating With Lasers Heat Treating Progress, Vol. 5, (June), p. 4, [3] Lia, 2001, Handbook of laser Materials Processing, 1 st., LIA Magnolia Publishing, Orlando, FL [4] American Society for Metals, 1991, Heat Treating, Vol. 4, Cleveland, p. 2173 [5] Bonss, S., et al., 2009, Laser beam hardening - Energy efficient heat treatment?, p. 219-224. [6] Global Beam Technologies Ag, 2010, PTR Electron Beam Generator, http://ptr.webbyhead.net/en/ptreb_generator... Cited on. 27 Oct. 2010. [7] Kremnev, L. S., E. V. Kholodnov, and O. V. Vladimirova, 1988, Selection of steels to be laser-hardened, Metal Science and Heat Treatment, Vol. 29, (9), p. 695-698 [8] Davis, J. R., 2002, Surface Hardening of Steels: Understanding the Basics, ASM International. [9] Ion, John C., 2005, Laser processing of engineering materials: principles, procedure and industrial application, Elsevier/Butterworth-Heinemann, Amsterdam. [10] Bonss, S., et al., 2008, Integrated laser beam hardening in turning machines for process chain reduction, Proceedings of 27th ICALEO, p. 94-99. [11] Deile, Jochen, 2010, Laser Technology, Photonics Spectra, Vol. 44, (June), http://www.photonics.com/Article.aspx?AID=4... [12] H. S. Carslaw, J. C. Jaeger, 1959, Conduction of Heat in Solids, 2nd Ed., Oxford University Press [13] W.M. Steen, C.H.G. Courtney, 1979, Surface heat treatment of En 8 steel using a 2kW continuous-wave CO2 laser, Metals Technology, [14] Komanduri R., Hou Z. B., 2001, Thermal analysis of the laser surface transformation hardening process, Elsevier, Oxford [15] Grum, J. and T. Kek, 2004, The influence of different conditions of laser-beam interaction in laser surface hardening of steels, Thin Solid Films, Vol. 453-454, p. 94-99 [16] American Society for Metals, 1991, Heat Treating, Vol. 4, Cleveland, p. 2173] [17] Totten, George E., 2006, Steel Heat Treatment Handbook - Equipement and Process Design, 2nd, CRC Press, New York. [18] Hannweber, J., et al., 2004, Integrated laser system for heat treatment with high power diode laser, Proceedings of 23rd ICALEO [19] Tadeusz Burakowski, Tadeusz Wierzchon, 1998, Surface Engineering of Metals: Principles, Equipment, Technologies CRC Press, Boca Raton. |