Scientific paper ID 2619 : 2024/3
N. Tontchev, E. Yankov,* N. Hristov, N. Teirumnieks Laser surface treatment technologies offer a wide range of possibilities to achieve innovative surface properties. In the course of this study, the authors analytically investigate the critical melting and boiling power densities in laser machining of various widely applied materials. With the help of the derived models, it is possible to ensure precise control for quality and cost-effectiveness in this advanced technology. After systematizing known concepts and applying the collected different material constants for copper, titanium, aluminum, St316 and ruby, models are derived and the critical power densities for the two limit states are compared. The results of the comparison show that due to the highest thermal conductivity of copper, the highest power density is d. After copper, according to the two investigated indicators, comes ruby, titanium, St316, and last in terms of d energy input is aluminum. The order of magnitude of the ratio between the boiling and melting power densities was established. This order is approximately 10 times for most materials, with the exception of aluminum, where this ratio is about 7 times. The research is related to the understanding of the basic thresholds of the material`s response to laser energy providing information in the development of new processes and applications.
лазери; повърхностна лазерна обработка; критична плътност на мощността; сравнение на пет вида материали; регресионен анализ.Lasers; Surface laser treatment; Critical power density; Comparison of five materials; Regression analysisN. Tontchev E. Yankov* N. Hristov N. Teirumnieks BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Bauernhuber, Tamás Markovits, Investigating Thermal Interactions in the Case of Laser Assisted Joining of PMMA Plastic and Steel, Physics Procedia, Vol. 56, 2014, Pages 811-817, ISSN 1875-3892. [2] Ridong Wang and Shen Xu and Yanan Yue and Xinwei Wang, Thermal behavior of materials in laser-assisted extreme manufacturing: Raman-based novel characterization, International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing vol.3, 2020. [3] T. Mioković, V. Schulze, O. Vöhringer, D. Löhe,Prediction of phase transformations during laser surface hardening of AISI 4140 including the effects of inhomogeneous austenite formation, Materials Science and Engineering: A, Volumes 435–436, 2006,Pages 547-555. [4] A.K. Mondal, S. Kumar, C. Blawert, Narendra B. Dahotre, Effect of laser surface treatment on corrosion and wear resistance of ACM720 Mg alloy, Surface and Coatings Technology, Volume 202, Issue 14, 2008, Pages 3187-3198. [5] Flemming Ove Olsen and Leo Alting, Pulsed laser materials processing, ND-YAG versus CO2 lasers, CIRP Annals, 1995, vol.44, pages 141-145. [6] Muammer Kalyon and Bekir Sami Yilbas, Laser pulse heating: a formulation of desired temperature at the surface, Optics and Lasers in Engineering,2003, vol.39, pages109 – 119. [7] Jie Han, Jingjing Yang, Hanchen Yu, Jie Yin, Ming Gao, Zemin Wang, Xiaoyan Zeng, Microstructure and mechanical property of selective laser melted Ti6Al4V dependence on laser energy density, Rapid Prototyping Journal, 2017. [8] Christos Panagopoulos, A. Michaelides, Laser surface treatment of copper,Journal of Materials Science,1992, Vol.27,pages 1280-1284. [9] Tontchev, N., Materials science, Effective solutions, and technological variants, Lambert,Academic Publishing, 2014, 142 [10] Tontchev, N., Gaydarov, V., N. Hristov, N., Analyzes and applications through thecomputational approach DEFMOT, Sofia, 2022, 167 p. (in Bulgarian). |