Scientific paper ID 2618 : 2024/3

Vesselin Naydenov

The publication explores the various options for using hydrogen as an alternative to fossil fuels for powering non-road vehicles of various types. Hydrogen participates in the diversification of energy sources and contributes to carbon neutrality. Different options for using hydrogen in road vehicles have been analyzed, as well as existing real cars of various types. The targets set by the European Green Deal regarding the use of hydrogen specifically in the road transport sector are presented.

Statistical data showing the use of hydrogen in the respective type of transport were also examined, in order to compare what has been achieved so far with the goals set for the next few years. The experience accumulated so far shows difficulties related to solving a number of technical problems, especially with the safety and logistics of hydrogen.

The analysis made proves the need for research in the field of hydrogen use in road vehicles, with the aim of their safe and economically justified operation, allowing their effective inclusion in the economy of the European Union.

Водород превозни средства зелен пакт декарбонизация алтернативни източници на енергия въглеродна интензивностHydrogen rail transport green deal decarbonisation alternative energy sources carbon intensity.Vesselin Naydenov


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