Scientific paper ID 2617 : 2024/3
Iliyan Slavov, Veselin Naydenov, Miglena Slavova* A fuel cell performs the opposite process of electrolysis: hydrogen and oxygen interact, generating electricity and forming water, the only waste product. In fuel cells, the fuel, usually hydrogen, is fed to the anode, where it gives off electrons. They pass to the cathode through an external circuit - a current flows. Oxygen is supplied from the cathode side where it receives electrons. Depending on the type of fuel cell, water is formed from protons and oxygen ions on the anode or cathode side. Hydrogen can be produced from the water produced again using an electrolyser powered by renewable energy sources. This makes the energy obtained from fuel cells renewable and clean.
Due to the high efficiency and environmental friendliness of fuel cells, they are accepted as a new energy resource in practical applications. There are eight types of commercial fuel cells. Most types are powered by hydrogen, but there are also those using other fuels, for example ammonia and methanol can be used directly, in Direct Ammonia Fuel Cells (DAFCs) or Direct Methanol Fuel Cells (DMFCs) respectively. Methane can also be used as a fuel in solid oxide fuel cells. Applications of fuel cell systems are mostly in power generation and vehicle propulsion. Multigeneration of electricity, heat, water and other products can also be obtained. електролити за горивни клеткивидове горивни клеткивъзобновяема енергияelectrolytes for fuel cells types of fuel cells renewable energyIliyan Slavov Veselin Naydenov Miglena Slavova* BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Petkov B.G. - ”Dinamichen analiz na podbivniya agregat na traversopodbivna mashina s tsiklichno deystvie”, n.sp. „Mehanika, transport, komunikatsii” – n.sp., br.1, 2014 g., ISSN 1312 – 3823 ( [1] Петков Б.Г. - ”Динамичен анализ на подбивния агрегат на траверсоподбивна машина с циклично действие”, н.сп. „Механика, транспорт, комуникации” – н.сп., бр.1, 2014 г., ISSN 1312 – 3823 ) [2] M Slavova, R Tomova, Hydrogen – most environmentally friendly fuel, Chemistry: Bulgarian Journal of Science Education, 29/2 (2020) 259-268. [3] LCarrette ,KA Friedrich, UStimming, Fuelcells-fundamentalsandapplications, FuelCells,1/1(2001)5-39, https://doi.org/10.1002/1615-6854(200105)1:... 3.0.CO,2-G. [4] I. Dincer, C. Zamfirescu, Advanced power generation systems, Chapter4-Hydrogenandfuel cellsystems, Elsevier ,2014, 143-199, ISBN978012383605, https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-383860-5.... [5] M. Romagnoli, V.Testa,Perspective chapter: Methanolasafuel for direct methanol fuelcells–Principlesandperformance.Methanolfuelintransportationsectorandfuel cells.IntechOpen,2023. http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.100287... [6] Ibrahim Dincer, Osamah Siddiqui, Chapter3-Type soffuels, Editor(s): Ibrahim Dincer, Osamah Siddiqui, Ammonia fuelcells, Elsevier, 2020, Pages 33-76, ISBN9780128228258, https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-822825-8.... [7] d-r inzh. IvanGanchev, Modul za regulirane nanalyaganeto na gazoviinstalatsii, Nauchno spisanie naVTU – statiya №2451,br.1, 2024g. ( [7] д-р инж. ИванГанчев, Модул за регулиране наналягането на газовиинсталации, Научно списание наВТУ – статия №2451,бр.1, 2024г. ) [8] M Slavova, Ecological тransport - what is hydrail?, Mechanics Transport Communications - Academic journal, 17/3 (2019) IX14-17 [9] Boris Petkov, Boyka Krastanova – About the automated storage systems for palletes - The Eurasia Proceedings of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (EPSTEM), Volume1, Pages 208-212, ISSN: 2602-3199 (Int. Conference on Technology, Engineering and Science, Antalya, Turkey, 2017, 2017г.) |