Scientific paper ID 2616 : 2024/3
Stanislav Emilov Dermendjiev Building Information Modelling (BIM) is an integrated methodology for the design, construction and management of buildings in a digital environment based on complex digital modelling, controlled information exchange and effective collaboration between project participants. BIM provides structured, accessible and reliable building information, which is a prerequisite for improvements in building lifecycle management. The approach is therefore widely used in building construction today. Although BIM is also used in the domain of transport construction, it is not yet as widely adopted as in building construction. This paper is a survey of academic publications and case studies in order to explore the possible role of BIM in transport infrastructure lifecycle management and to highlight the advantages. The applications of BIM in the planning, design, implementation, operation and decommissioning phases are examined, best practices are identified and conclusions are drawn on the benefits and challenges. Prospects for the future development of BIM in transport construction are also discussed. Based on the findings, recommendations for the practical application of BIM on transport infrastructure projects are derived.
СИМ информационен модел транспортна инфраструктура жизнен цикъл управление на информацияBIM information model transport infrastructure life cycle information managementStanislav Emilov Dermendjiev BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Ministerstvo na regionalnoto razvitie i blagoustroystvoto, ”NATsIONALNA STRATEGIYa ZA DIGITALNA TRANSFORMATsIYa NA STROITELNIYa SEKTOR 2030”, Ministerski savet, Sofiya, 2023. ( [1] Министерство на регионалното развитие и благоустройството, ”НАЦИОНАЛНА СТРАТЕГИЯ ЗА ДИГИТАЛНА ТРАНСФОРМАЦИЯ НА СТРОИТЕЛНИЯ СЕКТОР 2030”, Министерски съвет, София, 2023. ) [2] BDS EN ISO 19650-1:2019 Organizatsiya i digitalizatsiya na informatsiyata za sgradi i stroitelni saorazheniya, vklyuchitelno stroitelno-informatsionno modelirane (BIM) Chast 1: Ponyatiya i printsipi, Balgarski Institut po Standartizatsiya, 2019 ( [2] БДС EN ISO 19650-1:2019 Организация и дигитализация на информацията за сгради и строителни съоръжения, включително строително-информационно моделиране (BIM) Част 1: Понятия и принципи, Български Институт по Стандартизация, 2019 ) [3] H. Y. Chong, R. Lopez, J. Wang, X. Wang i Z. Zhao, Comparative Analysis on the Adoption and Use of BIM in Road Infrastructure Projects, American Society of Civil Engineers, 2016. ( [3] H. Y. Chong, R. Lopez, J. Wang, X. Wang и Z. Zhao, Comparative Analysis on the Adoption and Use of BIM in Road Infrastructure Projects, American Society of Civil Engineers, 2016. ) [4] A. Mitchell, C. Williges, S. Henly-Thomas and J. Messner, ”Lifecycle BIM for Infrastructure: A Business Case for Project Delivery and Asset Management,” National Academies, Washington DC, 2023. [5] S. Kaewunruen, J. Sresakoolchai i Z. Zhou, Sustainability-Based Lifecycle Management for Bridge Infrastructure Using 6D BIM, 2020. ( [5] S. Kaewunruen, J. Sresakoolchai и Z. Zhou, Sustainability-Based Lifecycle Management for Bridge Infrastructure Using 6D BIM, 2020. ) [6] J. Šestáková, A. Matejov, „The Experiences with utilization of BIM in railway infrastructure in Slovak Republic and Czech Republic,“ 2021. [7] M. Bensalah, A. Elouadi i H. Mharzi, „Overview: the opportunity of BIM in railway,“ Smart and Sustainable Built Environment, March 2019. ( [7] M. Bensalah, A. Elouadi и H. Mharzi, „Overview: the opportunity of BIM in railway,“ Smart and Sustainable Built Environment, March 2019. ) [8] F. D’Amico, A. Calvi, E. Schiattarella, M. Di Prete i V. Veraldi, BIM And GIS Data Integration: A Novel Approach Of Technical/Environmental Decision-Making Process In Transport Infrastructure Design, 2019. ( [8] F. D’Amico, A. Calvi, E. Schiattarella, M. Di Prete и V. Veraldi, BIM And GIS Data Integration: A Novel Approach Of Technical/Environmental Decision-Making Process In Transport Infrastructure Design, 2019. ) [9] C. M. Eastman, BIM Handbook: A Guide to Building Information Modeling for Owners, Managers, Designers, Engineers and Contractors, John Wiley & Sons, 2011. [10] A. Sidani, J. P. Martins i A. Soeiro, BIM Application for Construction Health and Safety: Summary for a Systematic Review, 2022. ( [10] A. Sidani, J. P. Martins и A. Soeiro, BIM Application for Construction Health and Safety: Summary for a Systematic Review, 2022. ) [11] KPMG Greece, ”Report on the analysis of the state of the construction sector in Bulgaria,” Sofia, Bulgaria, 2020. [12] International Standardization Organization, ISO 16739-1 Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) for data sharing in the construction and facility management industries Part 1: Data schema, 2024. [13] Federal Highway Administration, Building Information Modeling (BIM) for Infrastructure Products, United States Department of Transportation, 2023. |