Scientific paper ID 2614 : 2024/3
Blagoyka Paleva-Kadiyska, Petya Stefanova The operation of vehicles is inevitably accompanied by wear and tear of their elements and units. Car tires provide contact between vehicles and road surfaces. The main material of the modern tire is a complex rubber compound, and its structure is complex, aiming to cover a number of indicators. To a large extent, the efficiency and safety of road transport depends on the rate of the car tire wear. An extensive literature survey of research related to their wear and searching for new materials to reduce the process was conducted and its results were systematized. An analysis of the main causes of grapple wear and its impact on vehicle operation was made. A classification of the consequences of car tire wear has been created, giving visual and systematized information about them. The classification imposes some conclusions, the most important of which are summarized and noted. The authors hope that the classification will give a clearer idea of the importance of wear and its impact on different aspects. It could support the study, understanding, and evaluation of the importance of the process accompanying the use of vehicles, as well as the planning and implementation of measures to reduce its negative consequences.
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