Scientific paper ID 2604 : 2024/3
Vasko Nikolov, Georgi Nikolov Braking systems in vehicles are one of the main elements ensuring active safety. To ensure trouble-free operation and a sufficient level of reliability during operation, the devices for controlling the braking systems of railway vehicles are subject to periodic inspection. Inspections and tests of brake apparatus and braking systems in general are carried out on specialized benches, with the help of which their technical suitability is certified and confirmed for a certain period.
The bench for diagnostics and post-repair tests of devices for controlling braking systems in rolling stock is a complex technical facility equipped with a complex pneumatic system, including air tanks, pipelines, taps, etc., as close as possible to the real structures of the existing traction mobile rolling stock (TMRS) and in full compliance with the ments of the Rules for repair and testing of rolling stock braking systems of BDZ, which is the main regulatory document in this area. It is intended both for testing the suitability and serviceability of braking devices, and for visualizing the processes taking place during braking, and for simulating the most common failures that could occur during operation. In this sense, the stand is an irreplaceable tool for increasing the quality of students` training and their full preparation for acquiring not only the necessary knowledge, but also the necessary practical skills for their future work as specialists in the operation, repair and service of braking systems in railway engineering. спирачни системи стенд за изпитване безопасност железопътна техника системи за управление.brake systems test bench safety railway equipment management systemsVasko Nikolov Georgi Nikolov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Yovov, T., N. Nenov, Rakovodstvo za laboratorni uprazhneniya po vlakovi spirachki chast 1 – diagnostika i sledremontni izpitvaniya na uredi za komandvane na spirachni sistemi v PZhPS. ( [1] Йовов, Т., Н. Ненов, Ръководство за лабораторни упражнения по влакови спирачки част 1 – диагностика и следремонтни изпитвания на уреди за командване на спирачни системи в ПЖПС. ) [2] Nikolov V., Inovativni konstruktsii spirachni sistemi, montirani na vagonite, Mladezhki forum „Nauka, tehnologii, inovatsii, biznes - 2015“ Plovdiv. ( [2] Николов В., Иновативни конструкции спирачни системи, монтирани на вагоните, Младежки форум „Наука, технологии, иновации, бизнес - 2015“ Пловдив. ) [3] Nikolov, V. Laboratorno oborudvane za izsledvane na spirachnite sistemi i protsesite pri spirane vav visokoskorostniya podvizhen sastav i metropolitena, XXIV Mezhdunarodna nauchna konferentsiya „Transport 2019“, Borovets, 2019. ( [3] Николов, В. Лабораторно оборудване за изследване на спирачните системи и процесите при спиране във високоскоростния подвижен състав и метрополитена, XXIV Международна научна конференция „Транспорт 2019“, Боровец, 2019. ) [4] Nikolov, V., Renovirane i modernizirane na stend za spirachni sistemi na tovarni vagoni, International scientific conference “Machinery and construction technologies in transport” - 2020”, Velingrad, 09th -11th September 2020. ( [4] Николов, В., Реновиране и модернизиране на стенд за спирачни системи на товарни вагони, International scientific conference “Machinery and construction technologies in transport” - 2020”, Velingrad, 09th -11th September 2020. ) [5] Nikolov, V., G. Nikolov, Investigation of the behaviour of a freight wagon braking system on a brake systems bench, XI International Conference “Heavy Machinery-HM 2023”, Vrnjačka Banja, 21– 24 June 2023. [6] Georgi Nikolov, Michael Kuhn, and Bernd-Ludwig Wenning. A Method for Estimating the Uplink Data Rate in Mobile Communications, International Patent WO 2021/0639222, Filed Oct 1, 2019, Published Apr 8, 2021. |