Scientific paper ID 2603 : 2024/3
Slavcho Bozhkov, Marian Mutafchiev, Roman Petrov, Viktor Kiselev Modern automobiles are distinguished by a wide variety of brands, models, engines, fuel systems, control systems, safety, and level of equipment. To this are added the high demands on power, the fuel economy and the continuous reduction of permissible emissions related to environmental efficiency and engine standards. The achievement of these ments is the main goal of the different automotive manufacturers, but also an important criterion when choosing or evaluating a particular vehicle, make or model by consumers. In turn, the power and economical, respectively, the environmental parameters of the vehicle are closely interrelated, often contradictory and can vary widely in production, territory and driving conditions, as well as depending on the individual driving style of daily automobile travel. The determination, for example, of power indicators is often associated with various methods that give information about the general technical condition of the automobile. One of these methods is the measurement of the acceleration of the automobile, which is a direct indicator of the engine power and an estimate for the vehicle.
The article examines the results obtained when measuring the acceleration of different makes and models of automobiles, as well as assessing their technical condition by this criterion. измерване ускорение автомобил оценкаmeasuring acceleration automobile evaluationSlavcho Bozhkov Marian Mutafchiev Roman Petrov Viktor Kiselev BIBLIOGRAPHY [1]Slavcho Bozhkov, Marian Mutafchiev, Roman Petrov, Metodika za otsenka na tehnicheskoto sastoyanie na avtomobila po negovoto uskorenie, XXVI Mezhdunarodna nauchna konferentsiya TRANSPORT ‘2023, 5-7 oktomvri 2023, k.k. Borovets, Balgariya, Nauchno spisanie “Mehanika, transport, komunikatsii” ISSN 1312-3823 (print) ISSN 2367-6620 (online), str.VI-43-VI-48, VTU «Todor Kableshkov», Sofiya, 2023 ( [1]Славчо Божков, Мариан Мутафчиев, Роман Петров, Методика за оценка на техническото състояние на автомобила по неговото ускорение, XXVI Международна научна конференция ТРАНСПОРТ ‘2023, 5-7 октомври 2023, к.к. Боровец, България, Научно списание “Механика, транспорт, комуникации” ISSN 1312-3823 (print) ISSN 2367-6620 (online), стр.VI-43-VI-48, ВТУ «Тодор Каблешков», София, 2023 ) [2]Dieter Schramm, Benjamin Hesse, Niko Maas, Michael Unterreiner. Vehicle Technology: Technical foundations of current and future motor vehicles, De Gruyter, 2020 [3]Konrad R. Fundamentals of Automotive and Engine Technology. ISBN 978-3-658-03971-4, Springer Vieweg, 2014 [4]Test Specification – Acceleration and Deceleration Testing, ©2015 by Center for Evaluation of Clean Energy Technology, Phoenix, Arizona, https://avt.inl.gov/sites/default/files/pdf... [5] https://www.sae.org/standards/content/j1491... [6] https://www.auto-data.net/bg/ [7] https://www.vboxmotorsport.co.uk/downloads/... |