Научен доклад ID 2601 : 2024/3
Branislav Gavrilovic, Bundalo Zoran The appearance of mechanical resonance in the axle assembly of railway traction vehicles with motors for DC wave current has been the subject of interest of railway experts for a long time. This is not accidental, considering that the resonance is usually accompanied by cracks and breaks in certain parts of the axle assembly, thus endangering railway traffic. Despite a series of previous researches, during the reconstruction and modernization of railway traction vehicles, the impact of changing diode rectifier devices with semi-controllable asymmetric thyristor ones, such as those found in ŽS 444 series locomotives, has not been fully considered. This study aimed to review the impact of electrical parameters, primarily the effect of the rectified voltage and current supplied to the traction motors on the size and shape of the torsional moments on the drive shaft. On the basis of the conducted analysis, the anti-skid protection of locomotives of the ŽS 444 series was optimized, i.e. protective measures were proposed that are also relevant for other series of electric traction vehicles in the ”Serbian Railways” inventory park (ŽS 441 and ŽS 461).
railway traction vehicles mechanical resonance locomotives of the ŽS 444 seriesrailway traction vehicles mechanical resonance locomotives of the ŽS 444 seriesBranislav Gavrilovic Bundalo Zoran BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] B. Vabić, I Grašković, Tečaj za servisno osoblje lokomotiva serije JŽ 444 i JŽ 461-200, Končar-električne lokomotive dd., broj dokumenta GO5926, lokacija u arhivi 211-0103., Zagreb, 2005. [2] Dragan B. Rajković: „Prilog analizi loma osovina na lokomotivama serije 441, 461 i 444, Zbornik radova XIV ŽELKON ’10 Niš,strane 193-196, 07-08.oktobar 2010. [3] R. Jovanović: «Naponsko stanje lokomotivskih vratila u eksploatacionim uslovima», Doktorska disertacija, Mašinski fakultet, Beograd, 1978. [4] R. Jovanović: «Uzroci, pojave i mogućnosti otklanjanja naprslina i lomova pogonskih osovina (vratila) šinskih vozila», Istraživački projekat RO MIN, Institut „Edvard Kardelj“, Niš, 1987. 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