Scientific paper ID 2596 : 2024/3
Neli Lalkovska Bulgaria and Turkey as neighbouring countries face similar challenges regarding climate change. One of the main polluters is the transport sector, so an important goal is to improve the skills of human resources in this area. The advent of artificial intelligence, digitised work tasks and the need to counter climate change are important objectives in the training of transport workers - both formal and on-the-job training. The two universities - Todor Kableshkov University of Transport in Sofia and Thracian University of Edirne - can cooperate very successfully. It is particularly important that transport performs well in terms of sustainability, as it is a consumer of finite resources and has a direct impact on nature.
The objectives of the HR training are to reduce carbon emissions and mitigate the effects of climate change in the transport sector, to raise awareness of the Green Deal in order to actively involve and engage transport HR. Sector-specific expertise and the implementation of scientific and technological advances and innovations are essential to raise skills in the field of green transport and environmental protection. The training will bring together the knowledge of experts to ensure the effective functioning of environmental regulations, cover the reduction of carbon emissions in international trade through the use of green transport solutions, positively influence the awareness raising of HR in transport in Turkey and Bulgaria, present the difficulties of green transport, the application of which in national economies is not an easy task. човешки ресурси логистика потребности от обучение умения дигитализирани работни процеси изкуствен интелект изменение на климата околна среда устойчивостhuman resources logistics training needs skills digitalized work processes artificial intNeli Lalkovska BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edirne_Distri... [2] The European Green Deal Striving to be the first climate-neutral continent https://commission.europa.eu/strategy-and-p... https://ec.europa.eu/social/main.jsp?langId... [3] Work-based Learning and the Green Transition, CEDEFOP, 2022, ISBN: 978-92-896-3435-9 [4] Fostering skills use for sustained business performance, CEDEFOP, 2022 [5] Evidence from the European Company Survey, ISBN 978-92-896-3576-9, Cedefop, 2023 [6] Setting Europe on course for a human digital transition, Cedefop, 2022 ISBN 978-92-896-3448-9 ISSN 2363-216X [7] Strengthening skills systems in times of transition Insights from Cedefop’s 2022 European skills index [8] Cedefop (2021a). Digital, greener and more resilient:insights from Cedefop’s European skills forecast. Luxembourg: Publications Office. [9] Cedefop (2021b). The green employment and skills transformation: insights from a European Green Deal skills forecast scenario. Luxembourg: Publications Office. |