Scientific paper ID 2595 : 2024/3
Mario Ninov Digital transformation recalibrates and generates new business models, including introducing new ways of working based on modern digital technologies. This is an opportunity for railway transport to regain lost positions in the competitive environment with long-distance air transport, as well as medium- and short-distance road transport. The introduction of new solutions. The digital transformation in rail transport worldwide has proven to have a positive impact on the volume of rail transport carried out, generating new customer interest in this mode of transport. The purpose of this article is to analyze the directions of the modern digital transformation of railway transport as reflected in the Bulgarian reality. The research method is analyzing European regulations and practical experience in the introduction of digital solutions to analog processes in railway transport. The results of the analysis show the contribution of the digitalization of railway transport, ensuring a sustainable transport process.
железопътен транспорт цифрова трансформация цифровизация на железопътния транспортrailway transport digital transformation digitalizationMario Ninov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Rail for Climate- Climate for the rail ProKolej Fundation Warsaw(2021), [2] Strategiyata na ES v oblastta na tsifrovite tehnologii https://www.europarl.europa.eu/ftu/pdf/bg/F... ( [2] Стратегията на ЕС в областта на цифровите технологии https://www.europarl.europa.eu/ftu/pdf/bg/F... ) [3] Patna karta za tsifrovi zheleznitsi, publikuvana prez mart 2016 g. v satrudnichestvoto mezhdu CER, CIT, EIM i UIC ( [3] Пътна карта за цифрови железници, публикувана през март 2016 г. в сътрудничеството между CER, CIT, EIM и UIC ) [4] Natsionalen plan za vazstanovyavane i ustoychivost https://nextgeneration.bg/14 , ( [4] Национален план за възстановяване и устойчивост https://nextgeneration.bg/14 , ) [5] Natsionalen strategicheski dokument „Tsifrova transformatsiya na Balgariya za perioda 2020-2030 g.“ https://www.mtc.government.bg/sites/default... _transformaciya_na_bulgariya_za_perioda_2020-2030.pdf , ( [5] Национален стратегически документ „Цифрова трансформация на България за периода 2020-2030 г.“ https://www.mtc.government.bg/sites/default... _transformaciya_na_bulgariya_za_perioda_2020-2030.pdf , ) [6] Indeks za tsifrovata ikonomika i obshtestvo (DESI) https://www.mtc.government.bg/sites/default... ( [6] Индекс за цифровата икономика и общество (DESI) https://www.mtc.government.bg/sites/default... ) [7] Referenten dokument na zhelezopatnata mrezha 2023-2024 godina, validen ot 10.12.2023 g. do 14.12.2024 g. https://www.rail-infra.bg/bg/353 ( [7] Референтен документ на железопътната мрежа 2023-2024 година, валиден от 10.12.2023 г. до 14.12.2024 г. https://www.rail-infra.bg/bg/353 ) |