Scientific paper ID 2588 : 2024/3
Miglena Ivanova The report presents an approach for developing probability network models generated when planning an indirect travel route by car and metro in Sofia. For the purpose of this study, two types of covariance analysis are illustrated with the SPSS programme of early and late terms of work of six variants of network models on weekdays and of six variants on public holidays. The first type of covariance analysis is based on the combinations of the variants of network models on weekdays and public holidays falling within the same time intervals when travelling by car, and on the combinations of variants falling within the same time intervals when travelling by metro, and the second type of covariance analysis is based on the methodology for calculating the mathematical expectation and dispersion of works using two parameters of beta distribution: the upper and lower limits of the duration of the work of the network models on weekdays and public holidays.
вероятностни мрежови модели маршрут за пътуване математическо очакване дисперсия ковариационен анализ SPSSProbability network models travel route mathematical expectation dispersion covariance analysis SPSSMiglena Ivanova BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Balashevich V, Matematicheskie metody v upravlenii proizvodstvom, Izdatelstvo „Vysheyshaya shkola”, Minsk, 1976 ( [1] Балашевич В, Математические методы в управлении производством, Издательство „Вышэйшая школа”, Минск, 1976 ) [2] Ganeva Z., Da preotkriem statistikata s IBM SPSS Statistics, Pechat Elestra EOOD, Sofiya, 2016 ( [2] Ганева З., Да преоткрием статистиката с IBM SPSS Statistics, Печат Елестра ЕООД, София, 2016 ) [3] Razmov T., Dimitrov D., Rakovodstvo za uprazhneniya i kursovo proektirane po „Upravlenie na proekti”, Pechatnitsa na VTU „Todor Kableshkov”, Sofiya, 2012 ( [3] Размов Т., Димитров Д., Ръководство за упражнения и курсово проектиране по „Управление на проекти”, Печатница на ВТУ „Тодор Каблешков”, София, 2012 ) [4] Mutafchiev L., Vasilev E., Ikonomiko-matematicheski metodi i modeli v transporta, Universitetsko Izdatelstvo „Stopanstvo”, Sofiya, 1999 ( [4] Мутафчиев Л., Василев Е., Икономико-математически методи и модели в транспорта, Университетско Издателство „Стопанство”, София, 1999 ) |