Scientific paper ID 2578 : 2024/3
Nikolay Staykov Football is becoming the most popular and popular game among children and adolescents. It contributes to the development of the main motor qualities: agility, speed, strength, endurance and flexibility. The various manifestations in modern sports and the continuous rise that it marks, as well as the high sports results achieved, increase the importance of working with adolescents. The great attraction of children to the game of football allows this type of sport to be used not only as a means of physical development, but also as an important factor with an educational and pedagogical impact.
The goal we set for the research is the development of the motor quality of agility in 12-14-year-old football players. For this purpose, we carried out: theoretical analysis of literary sources on the problem and sports-pedagogical testing through the tests ”Jumps with both legs to the left and right for 8 seconds” and ”Running - Star”. The object of the study is the manifestation of the motor quality agility in 12-14 year old football players. Results: The state of motor quality agility in 12-14 year old soccer players is at a high level. Conclusion: The better results of the experimental group clearly show that increasing the contingent of funds leads to an improvement in the quality of agility. двигателни качества футбол състезатели ловкост.motor skills soccer athletes agility.Nikolay Staykov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Dimitrova D., Fizicheskata deesposobnost na podrastvashtite vav vrazka s vazrastovite promeni v telesnite razmeri i sastava na telesnata masa. Disertatsiya, Sofiya, 2001 ( [1] Димитрова Д., Физическата дееспособност на подрастващите във връзка с възрастовите промени в телесните размери и състава на телесната маса. Дисертация, София, 2001 ) [2] Zhelyazkov Tsv., Teoriya i metodika na sportnata trenirovka. Sofiya, 1986 ( [2] Желязков Цв., Теория и методика на спортната тренировка. София, 1986 ) [3] Zhelyazkov Tsv., D. Dasheva, „Trenirovka i adaptatsiya v sporta“, IK „Komplives-LM“, Sofiya, 1998 ( [3] Желязков Цв., Д. Дашевa, „Тренировка и адаптация в спорта“, ИК „Компливес-ЛМ“, Сoфия, 1998 ) [4] Petkova L., M. Kvartirnikova, Testove za otsenyavane na fizicheskata deesposobnost. Meditsina i fizkultura. Sofiya, 1985, 5–20 str. ( [4] Петкова Л., М. Квартирникова, Тестове за оценяване на физическата дееспособност. Медицина и физкултура. София, 1985, 5–20 стр. ) [5] Slanchev P., Fizichesko razvitie fizicheska deesposobnost i nervno-psihichna reaktivnost na naselenieto v Balgariya, BSFKS NSA/Sofiya, 1992 20–35 str. ( [5] Слънчев П., Физическо развитие физическа дееспособност и нервно-психична реактивност на населението в България, БСФКС НСА/София, 1992 20–35 стр. ) [6] Fomin N., V. Filin, Vazrastovi osnovi na fizicheskoto vazpitanie,Meditsina i fizkultura, Sofiya, 1975 ( [6] Фомин Н., В. Филин, Възрастови основи на физическото възпитание,Медицина и физкултура, София, 1975 ) [7] Hosek-Momirovic A., Pavlin.K., Povezanost izmedzu morfoloskih dimenzija I efikasnosti u rukometu. Kineziologija, 154(2),.Kinezioloski fakultet, Zagreb, 1983, 145-153 стр. |