Scientific paper ID 2576 : 2024/3
Rositsa Yordanova, Daniela Todorova, Nina Gergova Managing the risks associated with capital expenditure in higher education has a significant impact on the effectiveness of the management of educational institutions.
In order to examine the risks associated with making capital expenditures, the article examines the stages that help to understand whether an investment is achieving the desired results and whether resources have been used effectively. The strategic risks associated with higher education capital expenditure stem mainly from asset selection, single-vendor dependency, obsolescence risk and changing demands. The article analyzes and assesses the risks associated with capital expenditure in higher education, proposing approaches to managing the risks. The risks associated with higher education capital expenditures are important because they affect the financial stability, academic reputation, and long-term success of the institution. управление на рисковете капиталови разходи финансово въздействие финансов риск стратегически риск екологичен риск бюджетни ограниченияrisk management capital expenditure financial impact financial risk strategic risk environmental risk budgeRositsa Yordanova Daniela Todorova Nina Gergova BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Natsionalen statisticheski institut, www.nsi.bg ( [1] Национален статистически институт, www.nsi.bg ) [2] Portar, M. Konkurentna strategiya: Tehniki za analiz na industrii i konkurenti, S. Klasika i Stil, 2010 ( [2] Портър, М. Конкурентна стратегия: Техники за анализ на индустрии и конкуренти, С. Класика и Стил, 2010 ) [3] Politika za razvitie na Visshe transportno uchilishte “Todor Kableshkov” sas strategicheski tseli, zadachi, tselevi stoynosti i pokazateli za izpalnenieto im., https://old.vtu.bg/wp-content/uploads/2020/... ( [3] Политика за развитие на Висше транспортно училище “Тодор Каблешков” със стратегически цели, задачи, целеви стойности и показатели за изпълнението им., https://old.vtu.bg/wp-content/uploads/2020/... ) [4] Dzhon Bartan, bivsh prezident na Universiteta na Michigan: doklad na Universiteta na Michigan ot 2008 g.) ( [4] Джон Бартън, бивш президент на Университета на Мичиган: доклад на Университета на Мичиган от 2008 г.) ) [5] Maykal S. Pamparnikel, Harvard Business Review ot 2018 g.) ( [5] Майкъл С. Пъмпърникел, Harvard Business Review от 2018 г.) ) [6] Uilyam D. Kornish, Harvard Business Review ot 2017 g.) ( [6] Уилям Д. Корниш, Harvard Business Review от 2017 г.) ) [7] Dzheyms K. Galahar Journal of Educational Administration and Leadership ot 2016 g.) ( [7] Джеймс К. Галахър Journal of Educational Administration and Leadership от 2016 г.) ) |