Scientific paper ID 2573 : 2024/3
Daniela Todorova, Kamen Hristov Providing qualified personnel and reducing youth unemployment are two main issues for any developed economy and society. In achieving these two important goals, it is necessary to actively partner family, school and business. Active behavior and constant interest on the part of the private sector (companies and industry organizations) are a necessary condition for the success of ”Learning through work”.
Adequate behavior of institutions with sectoral responsibilities are another necessary condition for success in establishing ”Learning through work” as a well-functioning form of professional education. The report analyzes and evaluates the dual form of education, as a form of professional education, which has the indisputable advantage of providing students with the opportunity to acquire up-to-date knowledge, skills and competencies in a working environment, and employers to attract young qualified personnel. Motivating more companies in every sector of the economy to open internships and work-based training is key to the development of the vocational education system and is within the state`s capabilities in terms of measures and incentives. Once an internship position has been advertised under relevant conditions, the company must directly select a trainee for the position, which will increase competition, motivation and, ultimately, the quality of training. дуална форма на обучение професионално образование предизвикателства търсене предлагане финансиране безработица обучение чрез работаdual form of learning vocational education challenges demand supply funding unemployment work-based learningDaniela Todorova Kamen Hristov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Zashto shveytsarskite firmi obuchavat stazhanti? Razhodna efektivnost v shveytsarskata sistema za POO i neynite obyasnitelni faktori, Prof. D-r Yurg Shveri, yuni 2018, ( [1] Защо швейцарските фирми обучават стажанти? Разходна ефективност в швейцарската система за ПОО и нейните обяснителни фактори, Проф. Д-р Юрг Швери, юни 2018, ) [2] „Shveytsarska podkrepa za vavezhdane printsipite na dualnoto obuchenie v balgarskata obrazovatelna sistema” (proekt DOMINO). http://dominoproject.bg/nachalna-stranitsa/... ( [2] „Швейцарска подкрепа за въвеждане принципите на дуалното обучение в българската образователна система” (проект ДОМИНО). http://dominoproject.bg/начална-страница/за... ) [3] Internet stranitsa na Proekt Domino: https://dominoproject.bg/ ( [3] Интернет страница на Проект Домино: https://dominoproject.bg/ ) [4] Simeonova M., Paloshi A., Vareykayte D., Mitrovska D., Moreno M. (2022) Narachnik za nastavnika v dualnoto obuchenie, ISBN 978-619-92199-3-5, https://sustainvet.com/outputs/ str. 41, Fondatsiya za moderno obrazovanie, Sofiya ( [4] Симеонова М., Палоши А., Варейкайте Д., Митровска Д., Морено М. (2022) Наръчник за наставника в дуалното обучение, ISBN 978-619-92199-3-5, https://sustainvet.com/outputs/ стр. 41, Фондация за модерно образование, София ) [5] Kamen Hristov, Model za realizirane na obuchenie chrez rabota v Transportniya sektor, Disertatsionen trud, 2024g. ( [5] Камен Христов, Модел за реализиране на обучение чрез работа в Транспортния сектор, Дисертационен труд, 2024г. ) [6] Natsionalno prouchvane na Galap Interneshanal po porachka na Proekt Domino za teritoriyata na Republika Balgariya ( [6] Национално проучване на Галъп Интернешънъл по поръчка на Проект Домино за територията на Република България ) [7] Chyubatarova–Nikolova, St., Pravoto na zashtita pri otkaz, prekratyavane ili otnemane na razreshenie za dostap do klasifitsirana informatsiya po zakona za zashtita na klasifitsiranata informatsiya, ISBN: 978-619-7383-31-7, ResearchGate ( [7] Чюбатарова–Николова, Ст., Правото на защита при отказ, прекратяване или отнемане на разрешение за достъп до класифицирана информация по закона за защита на класифицираната информация, ISBN: 978-619-7383-31-7, ResearchGate ) [8] Sauli, F., Wenger, M. & Berger,J-L. (2019). Apprentices’ perceptions of quality in the Swiss initial VET dual-system. [9] Ebbinghaus, M., Krewerth, A., Flemming, S., Beicht, U., Eberhard, V., & Granato, M. (2010). BIBB-Forschungsverbund zur Ausbildungsqualität in Deutschland [Research network by the BIBB on training quality in Germany]. Bonn: Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung. [10] Wenger, M., Sauli, F., Gross, V. & Berger, J.-L. (2019), Apprentices’ Perceptions of Teachers’ and In-Company Trainers’ Competences at the Core of Training Quality. |