Научен доклад ID 2572 : 2024/3
Mariana Strenitzerova, Tatiana Corejova Today´s pressure to reduce emissions, eliminate passenger car travel and the efforts of local governments and society to attract people to use urban public transport is leading by transport companies to seek the right forms of passenger motivation. Improving the quality of travel by urban public transport with innovations, such as a full-value mobile application, is an effective motivational tool to support the use of public transport in cities. The objective of this paper is to determine passengers’ ments and their satisfaction with the quality of urban public transport by application of advanced quality management tools.
transport sector urban public transport customer requirements quality management tools CTQ method QFD method critical to quality house of qualitytransport sector urban public transport customer requirements quality management tools CTQ methodMariana Strenitzerova Tatiana Corejova BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Jankalova, M. Service Quality - Object of Business Excellence Measuring. In Review of European Studies. 2016, ISSN 1918-7173. - Vol. 8, no. 2 (2016), pp. 71-84. [2] Rostasova, M. Kvalita služieb vnímaná zákazníkom. EDIS: Žilina, Slovakia, 2008, p. 74, ISBN 978-80-8070-894-8. [3] Mateides, A., Dado, J. Manažérstvo kvality. Epos: Bratislava, Slovakia, 2006, p. 751, ISBN 80-8057-656-4. [4] Madlenak, R., Madlenakova, L., 2014. Digital advertising system in urban transport system of Žilina town. Transport and Telecommunication Journal, Vol. 15, no 3, 215 – 226. [5] Strenitzerova, M., Stalmachova, K. Customer ments for urban public transport mobile application. In: 14th International scientific conference on sustainable, modern and safe transport - ISSN 2352-1465 (online). - 1. vyd. - Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2021.pp. 95-102. [6] Han, S. B., Ebrahimpour, M., & Chen, S. K. (1998). A hierarchical framework for QFD planning process. DECISION SCIENCES INSTITUTE 1998 PROCEEDINGS, VOLS 1-3, 1749–1749. https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full... [7] Hari, A., & Zonnenshain, A. (1994). QFD for Service Improvement. V I. Sheps, H. Horwitz, & A. Lewis (Ed.), TENTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE ISRAEL SOCIETY FOR QUALITY, PROCEEDINGS, PTS I AND II (s. 563–563). Isas International Seminars. https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full... [8] Andriskova, I., Strenitzerova, M., 2014. The diagnostic support tool-quality function deployment and its implementation possibilities to urban public transport quality management. Communications: scientific letters of the University of Žilina. ISSN 13354205. Vol. 16, no 2, 63 – 69. |