Scientific paper ID 2568 : 2024/3
Lyudmil Ivanov The implementations of the two programs are structurally decisive for the railway transport in Bulgaria. Their implementation directly affects the safety, quality and competitiveness of the railway infrastructure.
The project for the modernization of the railway section ”Elin Pelin - Kostenets” has been delayed for three years, as it was decided to phase the project, the first phase will be implemented under the Transport and Transport Infrastructure Operational Program (OPTTI), and the second under the Transport Connectivity Program (PTS). The value of the financing of the project for the first phase under OPTTI is about BGN 402 million, for the second phase, which will be financed by PTS, it is about BGN 908 million. The progress is a little over 30%. The project ”Rehabilitation of the railway line Plovdiv - Burgas”, the second phase, will also be phased. It is expected that the majority of the activities will be implemented under OPTTI. The financial value of the project d in the OPTTI is about BGN 424 million, and the phasing of the PTS project is approximately BGN 307 million. Progress by the end of 2023 is about 60%. ”Modernization of the railway section Voluyak - Dragoman, first phase” was financed under OPTTI in the amount of BGN 157 million. The second phase is implemented under PTS, with it the construction will be completed and the signaling will be built, including ERTMS, worth about BGN 331 million. Progress on the project is 17%. Железопътен транспорт инвестиционна политика Радомир Гюешево модернизация;Railway transport investment policy Radomir Gueshevo modernization;Lyudmil Ivanov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Komitet za nablyudenie na programa „Transportna svarzanost“ 2021 – 2027, Status na OPTTI i PTS 4-to zasedanie 14-15 may 2024g, Ministerstvo na transporta i saobshteniyata, 2024 6 str. ( [1] Комитет за наблюдение на програма „Транспортна свързаност“ 2021 – 2027, Статус на ОПТТИ и ПТС 4-то заседание 14-15 май 2024г, Министерство на транспорта и съобщенията, 2024 6 стр. ) [2] st Upravlyavasht Organ na OPPTI, Operativna programa Transport i transportna infrastruktura 2014 – 2020, Versiya №7, Ministerstvo na transporta i saobshteniyata, 2022, 18 str. ( [2] ст Управляващ Орган на ОППТИ, Оперативна програма Транспорт и транспортна инфраструктура 2014 – 2020, Версия №7, Министерство на транспорта и съобщенията, 2022, 18 стр. ) |