Scientific paper ID 2565 : 2024/3
Vasilena Yosifova This paper explores the nature of the term ”start-up”. It reviews and classifies the types of start-up companies according to different criteria.
The practices are surveyed and potential current opportunities for innovation and start-ups in the transport sector in particular urban transport and air urban mobility are presented using the example of companies developing electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL) aircraft internationally. The paper analyses the links and differences between start-ups and small enterprises, as well as the links and differences between the concepts of start-up and spin-off companies. стартъп; иновации; спин-оф; спин-ин; спин-аут; летящ градски транспорт eVTOLstartup; innovations; spin-off; spin in; spin out eVTOLVasilena Yosifova BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Zakon za nasarchavane na nauchnite izsledvaniya i inovatsiite (ZNNII), Obn. DV. br.39 ot 1 May 2024g. ( [1] Закон за насърчаване на научните изследвания и иновациите (ЗННИИ), Обн. ДВ. бр.39 от 1 Май 2024г. ) [2] Blank, S.G. (2005). The Four Steps to the Epiphany, dostapno na https://web.stanford.edu/group/e145/cgi-bin... ( [2] Blank, S.G. (2005). 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