Scientific paper ID 2563 : 2024/3
Magdalena Petrova-Kirova Increased interest rates and their impact on the leasing market state is an extremely topical subject given the increased levels of the European Euribor index as a result of the alarming inflation rise that began in 2021.
The purpose of the scientific report is to analyse the state of the leasing services market in the Republic of Bulgaria for the period between 2017 and 2023 outlining the development trends in the context of increased interest rates. In terms of structure and content the net values of lease receivables are examined by types of assets and by institutional sectors with an emphasis on trucks and light trucks. The amount of financing for new business is analysed as a significant indicator of the leasing market state. In summary, the results of the research have been concluded and they show a hesitation in the leasing market’s development, some negative trends and slowed development rates for 2022 and 2023 compared to previous periods. Price increase in the leased assets or liabilities is highlighted as a possible and logical reason by raising interest rates. лизингов пазар лизингови дружества лизингови вземания финансов и оперативен лизинг лихвени равнища Euriborleasing market leasing companies lease receivables financial and operating leases interest rates EuriborMagdalena Petrova-Kirova BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Petrova-Kirova, M., Yosifova, V., Influence of Interest Alterations on the Financial Position of Transport and Logistics Companies, 1 st International Logistics Symposium, 20-21.March, 2023, Edirne, Paradigma Akademi Yaynlari, р.189-197, ISBN: 978-625-6957-91-6 [2] Petrova-Kirova, M., Lizingoviyat pazar v R Balgariya – sastoyanie, vliyanie i tendentsii, XXVI. Mezhdunarodna nauchna konferentsiya ”Transport 2023”, Borovets, Nauchno spisanie ”Mehanika Transport Komunikatsii”, Sofiya, VTU „Todor Kableshkov“, tom 21, br. 3/2, 2023g., s. III-96 - III-103, ISSN 1312-3823 (print), ( [2] Петрова-Кирова, М., Лизинговият пазар в Р България – състояние, влияние и тенденции, XXVI. Международна научна конференция ”Транспорт 2023”, Боровец, Научно списание ”Механика Транспорт Комуникации”, София, ВТУ „Тодор Каблешков“, том 21, бр. 3/2, 2023г., с. III-96 - III-103, ISSN 1312-3823 (print), ) [3] Metodologicheski belezhki na BNB. Statistika na lizingovata deynost, dostapna onlayn na: https://www.bnb.bg/bnbweb/groups/public/doc... ( [3] Методологически бележки на БНБ. Статистика на лизинговата дейност, достъпна онлайн на: https://www.bnb.bg/bnbweb/groups/public/doc... ) [4] Balgarska asotsiatsiya za lizing, dostapna onlayn na: https://leasing-bulgaria.org/, ( [4] Българска асоциация за лизинг, достъпна онлайн на: https://leasing-bulgaria.org/, ) [5] Balgarska narodna banka, dostapna onlayn na: https://www.bnb.bg/Statistics/StOtherFinanc... ( [5] Българска народна банка, достъпна онлайн на: https://www.bnb.bg/Statistics/StOtherFinanc... ) [6] Natsionalen statisticheski institut, dostapen onlayn na: https://www.nsi.bg/bg/content/, ( [6] Национален статистически институт, достъпен онлайн на: https://www.nsi.bg/bg/content/, ) |