Scientific paper ID 2561 : 2024/3
Borislav Arnaudov Over the last 10 years, the transformation of the mobility sector has led to a major penetration of electric cars in people`s daily lives. Social acceptance of electric vehicles has reached a critical point and will continue to grow due to the fact that transport service users are looking for greener and more cost-effective ways of getting around. Sales of electric vehicles in the EU grew by 13.9% in 2023, according to the European Automobile Manufacturers` Association, reaching nearly 11 million new registrations (ACEA, 2024). The aim of this paper is to present the current state of electric mobility in Europe and in Bulgaria in particular and to outline the opportunities for its development. This study analyses the dynamics of the electric vehicle market in the context of programmes and policies to promote electric mobility and the development of charging infrastructure. The main issues for a more serious penetration of electric vehicles in Bulgaria are also discussed.
електрическа мобилност зарядни станции електрически автомобили зарядна инфраструктураelectric mobility charging stations electric cars charging infrastructureBorislav Arnaudov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] ACEA. (2023, 11 02). Eurocities. Retrieved from https://eurocities.eu: https://eurocities.eu/latest/towards-the-fu... [2] ACEA. (2024, 01 18). Driving mobility for Europe. Retrieved from https://www.acea.auto: https://www.acea.auto/pc-registrations/new-... [3] ACEA. (2024, 03 06). European Automobile Manufactures Association. Retrieved from https://statzon.com: https://statzon.com/insights/e-mobility-eur... [4] Bedrola. (2024, 03 15). IBedrola. Retrieved from https://www.iberdrola.com: https://www.iberdrola.com/sustainability [5] BTS. (2024, 03 08). Bureau of transportation statistics. Retrieved from https://www.bts.gov: https://www.bts.gov/content/gasoline-hybrid... [6] Deloitte. (2023, 11 23). Deloitte. Retrieved from https://www.deloitte.com: https://www.deloitte.com/be/en/Industries/e... [7] EU. (2022, 05 11). European commission. Retrieved from https://commission.europa.eu: https://commission.europa.eu/strategy-and-p... [8] European parliament. (2018). Research for TRAIN committee-Chraging infrastructure for electric road vehicles. Brussels: TRAN Committee. [9] Farnell. (2023, 10 23). The advantages and challenges of electric vehicles. Retrieved from https://bg.farnell.com: https://bg.farnell.com/the-advantages-and-c... [10] LOGDAS. (2023). Teoriya na dvigatelite s vatreshno gorene. Sofiya: LOGDAS - https://logdas.com/2023/02/18/teoriya-na-dv... ( [10] LOGDAS. (2023). Теория на двигателите с вътрешно горене. София: ЛОГДАС - https://logdas.com/2023/02/18/теория-на-дви... ) [11] Transport&Environment. (2020). Recharge EU: How many charge points will Europe and its member states need in the 2025. Brussels: European Federation for Transport and Environment AISBL. [12] Berov, T. B. (2019). Elektricheski avtobusi - tendentsii pri izpolzvaneto im v masoviya gradski patnicheski transport. Mehanika, transport komunikatsii, 45-46. ( [12] Беров, Т. Б. (2019). Електрически автобуси - тенденции при използването им в масовия градски пътнически транспорт. Механика, транспорт комуникации, 45-46. ) [13] IKEM. (2024, 03 18). Industrialen klaster elektromobili. Retrieved from http://www.emic-bg.org: http://www.emic-bg.org/news/item/1615 ( [13] ИКЕМ. (2024, 03 18). Индустриален клъстер електромобили. Retrieved from http://www.emic-bg.org: http://www.emic-bg.org/news/item/1615 ) [14] МВР. (2024, 03 29). https://data.egov.bg. Retrieved from https://data.egov.bg/organisation: https://data.egov.bg/organisation/datasets/... |