Научен доклад ID 2558 : 2024/3
Dimitar Kolev, Ivan Petkov The concept of Universal Basic Income (UBI) has gained traction as a potential solution to societal and economic challenges, particularly in light of AI and automation-induced unemployment. UBI involves providing all citizens with a regular sum of money without conditions. This report provides a theoretical overview of UBI, discussing its implications in mitigating the effects of job displacement caused by AI and automation. Various forms of social support are compared, highlighting the unique features of UBI. The potential impacts of UBI on income distribution, labor market dynamics, and workforce participation are analyzed, along with challenges such as funding and policy design. The debate on alternative solutions such as AI and automation taxes is also explored, emphasizing the need for careful consideration of economic and social implications.
Unconditional basic income Artificial Intelligence (AI) job displacement robot taxationUnconditional basic income Artificial Intelligence (AI) job displacement robot taxationDimitar Kolev Ivan Petkov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Van Parijs, Ph. ”Basic Income: A Simple and Powerful Idea for the Twenty-First Century.” Politics & Society, vol. 30, no. 2, 2002, pp. 215-235 [2] Jean Ng, Will agi lead to job losses or a need for universal basic income (ubi)?, 2024, https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/agi-lead-job... -ii20c/ [3] World bank, Exploring Universal Basic Income, ISBN (paper): 978-1-4648-1458-7, https://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en... [4] Standing, G. BASIC INCOME: And How We Can Make It Happen, London: Pelican, 2017, ISBN: 978-0141985480. [5] Lowrey, A., Before AI Takes Over, Make Plans to Give Everyone Money, https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2... [6] Kelly, Ph., AI is coming for our jobs! Could universal basic income be the solution?, the Guardian, 2023, https://www.theguardian.com/global-developm... [7] Linder, J., Must-Know AI Replacing Jobs Statistics [Latest Data 2024], 2024, GITNUX MARKETDATA REPORT, https://gitnux.org/ai-replacing-jobs-statis... [8] Flynn, J., 35 Alarming Automation & Job Loss Statistics [2023]: Are Robots, Machines, And AI Coming For Your Job?, Zippia, 2023, https://www.zippia.com/advice/automation-an... [9] NSI, Unemployment data for the fourth quarter of 2023, https://shorturl.at/eyDV4 [10] Merola, R., Inclusive Growth in the Era of Automation and AI: How Can Taxation Help?, Front. Artif. Intell., 31 May 2022, Sec. AI in Business, Volume 5 – 2022, https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.338... [11] Licea, M., The rise in productivity and loss of jobs as a result of AI may a universal basic income strategy says Robert Reich, Basic Income Today, 2023, https://basicincometoday.com/the-rise-in-pr... |