Scientific paper ID 2557 : 2024/3
Antoaneta Dimitrova Kirova, Vasko Vassilev, Varujan Apalian The principal of the Holding company ”Bulgarian State Railways” (HBSR) is the Secretary of Transport, Information Technologies and Communications, with main activities providing passenger and freight services in the national and international railway network carried out through the subsidiaries ”Bulgarian State Railways - Passenger Transport” Ltd., and ”Bulgarian State Railways - Freight Transport” Ltd. In fulfillment of its announced mission, HBSR strives for competent and professional management of its subsidiaries, with a view to ensuring the sustainability of the performed safe and secure transport services for the transport of passengers and cargo, while balancing the interests of the business and social partners and taking into account the environmental ments. In order to fulfill the mission, the two carriers should maintain and increase their competitiveness, in view of the possible increase in their market share. In addition, there are a number of challenges in terms of geopolitics the realization of the national and pan-European policies in railway transport. The management of HBSR is based on the available (and eventually attracted) resources providing the background for the realization of strategic and operational goals, taking into account the interests and ments of the interested parties and the society as a whole.
железопътен транспорт холдинг конкурентоспособност устойчиво развитиеrailway transport holding company competitiveness sustainable developmentAntoaneta Dimitrova Kirova Vasko Vassilev Varujan Apalian BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] ECOOVIS, Godishen doklad za deynostta, Doklad na nezavisimiya oditor, Individualen finansov otchet, „Holding BDZh“ EAD, 31.12.2022 g. ( [1] ECOOVIS, Годишен доклад за дейността, Доклад на независимия одитор, Индивидуален финансов отчет, „Холдинг БДЖ“ ЕАД, 31.12.2022 г. ) [2] Natsionalen statisticheski institut (NSI), https://www.nsi.bg/bg/content/1789/zhelezop... ( [2] Национален статистически институт (НСИ), https://www.nsi.bg/bg/content/1789/железопъ... ) [3] Analiz za deynostta na „BDZh-Patnicheski prevozi” EOOD za 6-te mesetsa na 2023 g., „BDZh - PP” EOOD, Tsentralno upravlenie ( [3] Анализ за дейността на „БДЖ-Пътнически превози” ЕООД за 6-те месеца на 2023 г., „БДЖ - ПП” ЕООД, Централно управление ) [4] Mezhdinni sakrateni individualni finansovi otcheti, Holding BDZh EAD, 31.03. i 30.09.2023 g. ( [4] Междинни съкратени индивидуални финансови отчети, Холдинг БДЖ ЕАД, 31.03. и 30.09.2023 г. ) [5] Mezhdinen sakraten konsolidiran finansov otchet, Holding „BDZh“, 30.09.2023 g. ( [5] Междинен съкратен консолидиран финансов отчет, Холдинг „БДЖ“, 30.09.2023 г. ) [6] Chen Xi, R. Prabhakar, Business Model Innovation in Railway Industry for Emerging Market - A Case Study on Bombardier Transportation, Chalmers, Department of Technology, Management and Economics, Division of Management and Economics of Innovation, CHALMERS UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY, Gothenburg, Sweden 2011, Report No. E2011:029 |