Scientific paper ID 2556 : 2024/3
Vasko Vasilev, Angelina Milikina When the focus of the business changes, the knowledge and skills related to staff recruitment or staff administration and compensation are found to be insufficient. The focus shifts to improving human resources:
- increasing knowledge and skills, - with increasing motivation and commitment and - improvement of the company culture, which guarantees constant striving for improvement and improvement of the result. This is completely new territory for most departments, as well as for HR professionals and managers. Now it is necessary to create and develop systems, procedures and rules related to development - with learning and improvement, with motivation and activity and development of company culture. The toolkit of modern performance management provides many opportunities in this direction. The performance management of work ments multidimensional approach at multiple levels of organizational structure. A prime example of measuring the performance of the company itself with financial indicators and the relationships between financial indicators and turnover indicators. Performance can be measured at the level of the organization, at the level of organizational units, at the level of work teams and at the level of the individual (employee). The usual practice is the organizational part dealing with finance, i.e. planning and analysis, to create and reports that provide answers to the question of the performance of the entire organization. Железници Управление на изпълнението Човешки ресурси ОбучениеRailways Performance Management Human Resources TrainingVasko Vasilev Angelina Milikina BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Aguinis, H. 2012. Performance Management (3rd edition). Prentice Hall. (Human Resource emphasis). [2] Axson, D. A. J. 2010. Best Practices in Planning and Performance Management: Radically Rethinking Management for a Volatile World, 3rd edition. Wiley. [3] Blizzard, D. 2014. Effective performance management. Journal of Accountancy [4] Bremser, W. G. and W. P. Wagner. 2013. Developing dashboards for performance management. The CPA Journal [5] Broadbent, J. and R. Laughlin. 2009. Performance management systems: A conceptual model. Management Accounting Research [6] Bush, P. 2005. Strategic performance management in government: Using the balanced scorecard. Cost Management [7] Dekker, H. C., R. Ding and T. Groot. 2016. Collaborative performance management in interfirm relationships. Journal of Management Accounting Research [8] Harvard Business Essentials. 2006. Performance Management: Measure and Improve the Effectiveness of Your Employees. Harvard Business Review Press. (This book appears to be directed to Human Resource management). [9] Ratnatunga, J. and L. Montali. 2008. Performance management measures that enhance organisational value: A review. Journal of Applied Management Accounting Research |