Scientific paper ID 2542 : 2024/3
Vasil Vasilev, Teodor Berov Green hydrogen is widely recognized as a future energy carrier due to its non-polluting properties and high energy density. To realize hydrogen mobility in the future, it is essential to build a complete green hydrogen supply chain that can make it a key energy carrier for vehicles. This paper reviews the green hydrogen supply chain, including production, storage, transport and utilization technologies. Special attention is paid to the different ways of transporting hydrogen. The challenges in building a hydrogen supply chain from a technical-economic, social and political point of view and the prospects for its future development are discussed. It also examines the possibilities of assessing the potential demand for green hydrogen and reviews the stages of its entry into the market as an alternative fuel. Factors that would stimulate demand are indicated. Finally, a look is turned to Bulgaria`s attempts to stimulate the production of green hydrogen and its use in mobility. The country`s main commitments regarding hydrogen mobility and plans for the development of hydrogen urban transport are reviewed.
зелен водород веригата за доставка на водород мобилност базирана на водород търсене на водород водород в градския транспортgreen hydrogen the hydrogen supply chain hydrogen-based mobility hydrogen demand hydrogen in urban transportVasil Vasilev Teodor Berov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Vodorodno badeshte za Balgariya – Natsionalna patna karta za podobryavane na usloviyata za razgrashtane na potentsiala za razvitie na vodorodnite tehnologii i mehanizmite za proizvodstvo i dostavka na vodorod, https://www.mig.government.bg ( [1] Водородно бъдеще за България – Национална пътна карта за подобряване на условията за разгръщане на потенциала за развитие на водородните технологии и механизмите за производство и доставка на водород, https://www.mig.government.bg ) [2] Hamidreza Mahmoudi, Morteza Bazrafshan1, Mohadeseh Ahmadipour, Sustainable Multi-Objective Optimization for the Supply Chain of Petroleum Products, Journal of Applied Research on Industrial Engineering, Vol. 8, Spec. Issue. (2021) [3] Dobrudzhaliev D, Ivanov B., Optimizatsionen model za proizvodstvo i logistika na biodizel v Balgariya, NTRU - 2013, tom 52, seriya 10.1 ( [3] Добруджалиев Д, Иванов Б., Оптимизационен модел за производство и логистика на биодизел в България, НТРУ - 2013, том 52, серия 10.1 ) [4] Fabio Sgarbossa, Simone Arena, Ou Tang, Mirco Peron, Reprint of: Renewable hydrogen supply chains: A planning matrix and an agenda for future research, International Journal of Production Economics, (250) 2022 [5] Fabian Stöckl1, Wolf‑Peter Schill1, Alexander Zerrahn, Optimal supply chains and power sector benefits of green hydrogen, www.nature.com/scientificreports, 2021 [6] Lei Lia, Herve Manier, Marie-Ange Manier, Hydrogen supply chain network design: An optimization-oriented review, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, november. 2018 |