Scientific paper ID 2535 : 2024/3
Todor Lalev In modern DC traction power supply systems (TPSS), particularly in traction rectifier stations of urban electric transport, digital control and protection solutions based on microprocessor digital technologies are widely used, which over the past 30 years have gradually replaced classic analog control and protection systems. Digital solutions for relay protection and control offer a number of advantages over classic analog systems, but specialized training of electrical engineers related to the programming and adjustment of the new protection devices. This specialized training can best be realized practically by using a laboratory simulator of relay protection for DC traction networks.
The report presents the results of developing a laboratory simulator for studying relay protection for DC traction networks. The simulator is built in the laboratory of Todor Kableshkov University of Transport and is intended for conducting practical classes with students, to demonstrate the functionality of the relay protection and how it reacts in situations during the simulation of working and emergency modes in traction electrical power supply systems. Through simulation tools and modelling of various scenarios of operation and faults, students can understand the principles and methods of protecting traction networks. The results of various studies that can be conducted are expected to be useful for the education and training of future engineers in the field of DC traction power supply systems. Тягова електрозахранваща система Релейна защита Лабораторен симулаторDC traction power supply system Relay protection Laboratory simulator.Todor Lalev BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Otchet na Nauchen proekt po Naredba na MON ot 18.09.2016 g. na tema „Laboratoren simulator na vtorichna komutatsiya na razpredelitelno ustroystvo za tyagova elektrozahranvashta sistema za postoyanen tok”. VTU „Todor Kableshkov”, 2023 g. ( [1] Отчет на Научен проект по Наредба на МОН от 18.09.2016 г. на тема „Лабораторен симулатор на вторична комутация на разпределително устройство за тягова електрозахранваща система за постоянен ток”. ВТУ „Тодор Каблешков”, 2023 г. ) [2] Lalev T., G. Pavlov. Proektirane i izgrazhdane na laboratoriya za avtomatizatsiya i digitalizatsiya na tyagova elektrozahranvashta sistema. Nauchno spisanie „Mehanika, Transport, Komunikatsii”, tom 20, broy 3/2, 2022 g., statiya № 2269. ISSN: 1312-3823 (print), ISSN: 2367-6620 (online) ( [2] Лалев Т., Г. Павлов. Проектиране и изграждане на лаборатория за автоматизация и дигитализация на тягова електрозахранваща система. Научно списание „Механика, Транспорт, Комуникации”, том 20, брой 3/2, 2022 г., статия № 2269. ISSN: 1312-3823 (print), ISSN: 2367-6620 (online) ) [3] Sitras PRO DC Protective Unit and Controller for DC Traction Power Supply - Operating instructions, Version 1.3.0. Mobility Division, Siemens AG, 2009 [4] Dimitrov G., G. Pavlov. Spetsializiran modulen izmervatelen stend za izsledvane na elektroenergiynoto potreblenie i energiynata efektivnost v transporta. Nauchno spisanie „Mehanika, Transport, Komunikatsii”, tom 9, broy 3, 2011 g., statiya № 0597. ISSN: 1312-3823 ( [4] Димитров Г., Г. Павлов. Специализиран модулeн измервателен стенд за изследване на електроенергийното потребление и енергийната ефективност в транспорта. Научно списание „Механика, Транспорт, Комуникации”, том 9, брой 3, 2011 г., статия № 0597. ISSN: 1312-3823 ) |