Scientific paper ID 2528 : 2024/3

Plamen Parushev

This report examines a survey of a transport company with a bus fleet. The study examines a three-year period and one selected as a base year. The obtained results determine specific indicators for evaluating the energy efficiency of the industrial system. Recommendations are presented and energy-saving measures are evaluated in the report. The obtained results are analyzed in terms of the possibilities of reducing the direct and indirect costs of the transport company. The surveyed transport company is a joint-stock company established to provide passenger transportation in the conditions of a large city. With an annual energy consumption of over 3,000 MWh, it is subject to inspection under the Energy Efficiency Act. Thus, the potential opportunities to reduce energy costs are identified and energy savings are assessed as a result of the implementation of energy-saving measures prescribed in previous surveys. The primary energy balance of the site is assessed through the annual distribution of electricity and energy carriers. For the quantitative characterization of the company`s production, the quantities ”thousands of kilometers traveled” and ”thousands of passengers carried” were adopted. Indicators such as the volume of passenger transport, number of vehicles and greenhouse gas emissions are used for the analysis. Thus, conclusions can be drawn regarding the fulfillment of the goals related to the achievement of higher energy efficiency.

енергийна ефективност автобуси показатели за разход на горивоenergy efficiency buses fuel consumption indicators.Plamen Parushev


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